Macron Snitches on Trump – Tells Media That Trump Already Decided U.S. is Pulling Out of Iran Deal – IOTW Report

Macron Snitches on Trump – Tells Media That Trump Already Decided U.S. is Pulling Out of Iran Deal

The Washington Monthly calls the U.S. withdrawal “malevolence” on the part of Trump.


Donald Trump isn’t scheduled to make his announcement on the Iran nuclear deal until 2 p.m., but all the suspense is gone now that the New York Times is reporting that French President Emmanuel Macron has been informed of the decision.

President Trump told President Emmanuel Macron of France on Tuesday morning that he plans to announce the withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, according to a person briefed on the conversation.

Mr. Trump’s decision unravels the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, isolating the United States among its allies and leaving it at even greater odds with its adversaries in dealing with the Iranians.

The United States is preparing to reinstate all sanctions it had waived as part of the nuclear accord — and impose additional economic penalties as well, the person said.

A second person familiar with negotiations to keep the 2015 accord in place said the talks collapsed over Mr. Trump’s insistence that sharp limits be kept on Iran’s nuclear fuel production after 2030. The deal currently lifts those limits.

If this reporting is correct, it means that President Trump has finally broken something of major consequence. Most of the things he’s done so far are either reversible or no different from what any Republican president would do. Blowing up the Iran deal is in a completely different category of malevolence.


18 Comments on Macron Snitches on Trump – Tells Media That Trump Already Decided U.S. is Pulling Out of Iran Deal

  1. “President Trump told President emmanuel macron of france on Tuesday morning that he plans to announce the withdrawal of the United States from the iran nuclear deal”

    winning !
    MAGA !

  2. If President Trump told Maricon, it was with the expressed intention of getting that information out – he knows that Maricon is unreliable.

    And the “deal” never was a deal for the United States – it was an izlamic political coup using Obola’s rotting izlamic soul as a wedge against Israel.

    It was bullshit masked and paraded as some kind of “deal,” but not a “deal” in the ordinary sense, where both parties gain something. It was only a “deal” in the sense that the filthy izlamic murderous theocrats gained leverage at the expense of the civilized world.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Malevolence !!!
    Catastrophically Pull Out of Iran Nuclear Deal !!!!

    Oh No !
    The progressives says we’re all goin’ ta die…..before global warming/cooling/change I hope.

    The appeasers of treason are upset.

  4. See what happens when Emperor Zero tries to pass a treaty via executive fiat instead of by passage in the US Senate?

    It’s easily unpassed by the next POTUS.

    Choke on it Commie Prog Beaches and Iranian Mullahs. POTUS just schlonged you.


  5. MSNBC had a graphic on screen: U.S. violates Iran Agreement.

    Is it possible to loathe Anti-American NBC any more?

    Why yes. Yes we can. Katy Turd and Nicolle Wallace to the rescue.


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