Macron Tells Ambassadors to Prioritize War on ‘Islamic Terrorism’ – IOTW Report

Macron Tells Ambassadors to Prioritize War on ‘Islamic Terrorism’

Breitbart: “The fight against Islamic terrorism is the first priority of French diplomacy,” French President Emmanuel Macron told an assembly of French ambassadors Tuesday.

Macron went on to tell the diplomats that “ensuring the security of our citizens must be the priority of our policy,” before announcing a major conference on the financing of terrorist networks that will be held in Paris in early 2018.

“The security of the French people is the raison d’être of our diplomacy,” Macron said. “This is a visceral requirement. We must respond to it without flagging. The eradication of terrorism also means drying up its financing.”


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10 Comments on Macron Tells Ambassadors to Prioritize War on ‘Islamic Terrorism’

  1. Whew! I’m glad I read the article. My poor brain couldn’t figure out how protecting his citizens from terrorism could be helped by holding “a major conference on the financing of terrorist networks”. How does financing terrorist networks protect your citizens?

    His comment was poorly phrased, or at least, they could have named the conference “the DE-funding of terrorist networks”.

    I need more coffee.

  2. Wow! A cheese woofin surrender monkey actually gets it. Shocking. He’s beginning to develop a brain, let’s see if he has the balls. France needs to line up troops on the northern border and sweep the entire country free of terrorists, future terrorists, welfare rats, and other assorted muslims.

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