Mad Libs – IOTW Report

Mad Libs

Here’s an email I received on May 22nd-

Okay. This has been taking up space in my small cranium so why not send it to Fur? I think we need a MadLibs (get it? get it?) or even MadderLibs contest to see what the denizens of IOTW think. Something like:
Recently a video from (adjective starting with A) (adjective starting with O) (noun starting with C)  was  taken down because (color) (organisms) complained to the (favorite government agency). However, most of the (number) people who care about AOC think that her comments about (favorite vegetable) were taken out of context. (Adjective) (plural noun) like to eat (noun). They also love (noun) and (plural noun). Especially when served with (adjective) (noun). So, if AOC puts out another (adjective) video, I hope that more (organisms) will take her seriously. What’s not to (emotion)?

It was a great idea.

I made a logo –>

But we never got it off the ground because it seemed too difficult to put it into practice. (We did some tests.)

I wanted to give credit to Merry Mouse for having this idea before I post this version by Rep. Steve Scalice.

Here’s his ->

Good job Congressman Scalice and Merry Mouse. Great minds think alike!

11 Comments on Mad Libs

  1. Made Steve’s version full-size & made a number of copies to give some to Progs I know to trigger them & Conservative friends I know so they can make copies & do the same.

    You know the SJW’s will be all over this declaring the title / logo as racist & force it to be taken down.

  2. If there was anything funny about TREASON, this would embody it.

    We need to understand (all seriousness aside) that those we refer to as “libs” -aren’t, and their antipathy isn’t against President Trump, but against We, the People of the United States, who ELECTED him. They are attacking Mr. Trump because he actually cares about America and is honestly trying to impede the nihilistic totalitarians who seek to destroy her.
    They were all straining to be his pals until he decided to run for office – and then they realized that HE’S AN AMERICAN! First and foremost. That he’s unwilling to sell out his country for cash. That he actually means what he says and doesn’t make promises based on polling data.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. HA! I made a comment on Twitter a while back that Mad Libs was how the left created their talking points!

    “I got it now. These people put partial phrases on slips of paper in a big bowl. They pick them out at random and put them together to form a sentence. Then that becomes their talking points.

    It’s just like a game I used to play as a kid: Mad Libs. Back then, it was funny.”

  4. Thanks for the credit, Fur! That was back when AOC was telling us that cauliflower was racist. That the community garden should be planting yucca. Ta hell with USDA climate zones. They’re racist too.

    Somewhere recently I saw a post (Powerline Week in Review?)with choices you could make based on first initial, last initial, date of birth and shoe size. It was designed to make an impressive-sounding research paper. Same concept. Nonsense posing as truth.


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