‘Mad Mike’ Hughes, 64, homemade-rocket daredevil, killed – IOTW Report

‘Mad Mike’ Hughes, 64, homemade-rocket daredevil, killed

“Homemade-rocket daredevil” pretty much says it all. This was inevitable.

There will probably be no insurance payout. Who would insure this guy?

Hughes was a flat-earther. Is it wrong if I report that he was definitely flattened by the earth?


“Mad Mike” Hughes died after the homemade rocket crashed on private property near Barstow about 1:52 p.m. near Highway 247, the Daily Press of Victorville reported.

Waldo Stakes, a colleague who was at the rocket launch, said Hughes, 64, was killed.

“It was unsuccessful, and he passed away,” Stakes told The Associated Press. He declined further comment.

Justin Chapman, a freelance journalist, told the AP that he and his wife witnessed the crash.

The rocket appeared to rub against the launch apparatus, which might have torn the parachutes attached to it, Chapman said.


43 Comments on ‘Mad Mike’ Hughes, 64, homemade-rocket daredevil, killed

  1. “The problem is it brings out all the nuts also, people questioning everything. It’s the downside of all this.”

    It’s called the “birds of a feather” syndrome, Mike.

  2. It’s too bad he kept spouting off the “flat earth” stuff. Otherwise, he would have been cheered for his ingenuity and persistence in fulfilling his dream to build and fly his own rocket.
    Redneck Engineers Unite!

  3. …you dare the devil, he sometimes takes the dare.

    Beats sitting around the nursing home waiting to see what kind of cancer kills you first, though.

    Is it only not cool because he’s not young and not famous, or that he made his own ride?

    I don’t think Evil Kenevil bought his down at Rusty Wallace Ford. His didn’t always work either, and no one blew HIM shit about blowing the Snake River jump.

    I don’t want to fuck anyone’s day up, but you’re ALL gonna die, whether at pain or at peace. Doesn’t matter if you tool around in your safe little Prius surrouned by fast-acting blimps or refuse to leave the house because inside is a more controlled environment, the reaper WILL find you.

    And you don’t look any less stupid in your 89th year when you die strapped to your adult potty chair in the middle of the room because the prostate cancer weakened you so bad that you couldn’t even stay seated on it alone, and since your 83 year old wife couldn’t carry even your wasted 100 pound no longer manly ass to the REAL bathroom, she had to do what she could, and empty your slops bucket later. Sure, you can go that way, that’s safe.

    And yes, I saw one like that.

    Or, you could take a nice, relaxing bath alone with your 76 year old self, with the space heater on but safely away from the tub, only to have your baggy, fluid-filled heart pack it in, so you’re withered, abandoned, empty shell sits in the water for DAYS being slow-cooked like a Crock Pot would until your meat is so tender it slides right off your lonely bones when they try to life your corpse out of the tub

    That’s safe.

    And yes, seen that too.

    LOTS of safe ways to die.

    But die you will.

    You can die doing nothing and trying to eke out a couple more years of painful, rheumatoid arthritis plagued life where you just sit and drool in your chair, or you could go do something you love, and if the Reaper takes you, he takes you.

    He’s GONNA step out in front of you eventually. No one gets out alive.

    Might as well have fun till he does.

    I only hope I die all at once in a blaze of glory.

    I’ve seen too many die in wasted, shriveled, witless bodies, left to marinate in their own urine while lying on 4th degree bed sores to want a long life like that. I won’t SEEK death, but I won’t try to RUN from it, either. I work with powerful robots, high voltage electricity, and thousand gallon per minute water pumps. Is that stupid? Its a living.

    I used to run INTO buning buildings, climb through twisted wreckage, and expose myself to horrid diseases, poisonous atmospheres, and people who wanted to kill me because they hate uniforms. On a voulenteer basis, too. How stupid was THAT?

    I STILL stop for wrecks and respond to plant medical emergencies that I don’t HAVE to. THAT’S not safe, either.

    …look, life is risk, and no risk = no fun. I’m not gonna go to God and say “Here’s that body you gave me,I never did anything with it, all THIS shit’s on YOU, now give me one of those incorruptible bodies I’ve read so much about !” That’s NOT what He inteded. We are to push limits, break new ground, take risks, and maybe we or our heirs can LEARN from them.

    This man didn’t stop living until he died. God Bless him.

    I’ve seen many that stopped living DECADES before they died. They hung aroud awhile so anyone could see them, but no one did. Was it WORTH it?

    As long as you’re right with God, Door #1 is probably better.

    RIP Mr. Hughes. I should be so lucky.

    Say a prayer for this man’s family, too. Whatever YOU thought of him, THEY loved him, so God comfort THEM in their hour of need.

  4. I was making coffee when I heard this on the news this morning. Was it so terrible that I burst out laughing after they announced a daredevil killed himself with his homemade rocket? LOL

  5. Hey flat earth believers. If the earth is flat, how has nobody ever reached the edge. Is it infinite? If it’s infinite why has nobody found undiscovered lands or waters?

  6. The part of the earth he hit was flat, so there’s that.
    Probably driving down the road is one of the most dangerous things we do and most think nothing of tailgating 20 feet away from the person in front of them, some rolling with 80k. When things go wrong you wish you would of or could of? It’s best to be on a mission from God every day, kind of like the Blues Brothers.

  7. …here’s advice on how you should depart, al la Monty Python…

    “For life is quite absurd
    And death’s the final word
    You must always face the curtain with a bow
    Forget about your sin
    Give the audience a grin
    Enjoy it, it’s your last chance anyhow

    So, always look on the bright side of death
    A-just before you draw your terminal breath

    Life’s a piece of shit
    When you look at it
    Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke, it’s true
    You’ll see it’s all a show
    Keep ’em laughing as you go
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you”
    -“Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”, Eric Idle


  8. As Different Tim notes above, how is it that flat Earth cultists ignore all contrary evidence?

    How do they explain circumnavigation, satellites, photos from space, the moon trips?

    I worked a bit with a 911 conspiracy guy and the convoluted and unsupported thinking required to believe it was a roller coaster ride into insanity.

    Remember our population has a “normal” distribution which means you will always have those who are 6 SDs from the mean.

  9. Every other person trying to get into Heaven has a weak ass story compared to this guy.

    If Saint Peter is grading on a curve, most of us are screwed.

    Although…… he could probably score with Mary Magdalene considering his backstory. Fuggin’ rock star of spirits.

    “Oh, everything was goin swell until MUH HOMEMADE ROCKET POWERED ROCKET BLEW UP”

    I’m not sayin’ the old feller actually made it into heaven….. but if he did, he has groupies.

  10. Regardless of anything, this was a Man, doing what the Man thought he should be doing. Man is beneath God, but Man must dare. All you men may sneer at this Man, but when it is time to dare, ask your wife to lend you your testicles, which she keeps in a jar by her side of the bed.


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