Madison’s Naked Bike Ride Under Investigation for Including Nude Children – IOTW Report

Madison’s Naked Bike Ride Under Investigation for Including Nude Children

The Federalist

After a naked child was apparently allowed to participate alongside nude adults in a so-called “body positivity” bike ride around Madison’s Capitol Square on Saturday, a member of the Dane County Board of Supervisors is calling for a police investigation.

About 150 adult bicyclists, most of whom were reportedly totally naked except for shoes and helmets, paraded around downtown Madison last weekend. Their route included State Street, a popular pedestrian road that connects to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. But it also included a couple of loops around Capitol Square, where every Saturday during the summer, locals, including families and young children, gather for the busy farmer’s market. More

This year’s ride. At the .56 mark: The female in the foreground wearing dark clothes looks under aged. Watch

22 Comments on Madison’s Naked Bike Ride Under Investigation for Including Nude Children

  1. why does everyone say “paraded around”? what does a parade have to do with anything?

    Europeons do this daily. the call it FKK, Frei Korper Kultur, free body culture. it’s no big thing.

  2. Shoes and helmets? What about protecting those privates?

    I can’t even imagine any cause for riding a bike naked in private, lat alone in public! None. They are treacherous.

    You just can’t stop stupid.

  3. If I wanted to fat ugly people……well, I don’t really want to see fat ugly people period.

    So, I have to be subjected to this on a public street whether or not I want to? Just like legalized dope. Smoke all you want, I don’t care but I shouldn’t have to breath it if I don’t want to.

  4. If you suggested that there would be a need for decent folks to explain to an entire political Party that exploitation and sexual grooming of children is wrong, even I would have been skeptical twenty years ago.

    Make absolutely no mistake about this whatsoever. Anyone who casts even a single legitimate vote for any Democrat at this point is perfectly OK with this shit. Anyone.

  5. The only time liberals get their sensitive little tummies upset about child molestation is when it is done by “Catholic” priests.

    To me, anybody that molests a little kid is a sick bastard. Being a Catholic has nothing to do with it. But to liberals if the word CATHOLIC appears in a child molestation case, it is in huge red letters…that is where their attention is focused.

    The child victims are secondary, if at all. Liberals are eager in their attempts to paint all religious people as deluded hypocrites.

  6. After the race, Sniffer Joe will come by to sniff some bicycle seats.

    I can see him now: at a particularly odorous one, he’ll take in a lungful, then he’ll raise his hands, tighten his fists wave them around and say over and over again: “Oh Goody”.

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