Maduro Declared President of Banana Republic – IOTW Report

Maduro Declared President of Banana Republic


Venezuela’s opposition claimed victory in Sunday’s presidential election, setting up a showdown with the government, which earlier declared President Nicolás Maduro the winner.

“The Venezuelans and the entire world know what happened,” opposition candidate Edmundo González said in his first remarks.

Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado said the margin of González’s victory was “overwhelming” based on voting tallies it had received from campaign representatives from about 40% of ballot boxes nationwide. More

13 Comments on Maduro Declared President of Banana Republic

  1. The article mentioned that voters started standing in line before dawn. As the late P.J. O’Rourke observed, people don’t stand in voting lines to vote for the status quo.

    But Maduro will probably get away with stealing the election due to the time honored precedent of “no standing.”

  2. “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. has “serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people,” speaking in Tokyo.” What a fuc*ing clown.

  3. Venezuelans are responsible for putting the chavistas into power and maintaining them in power…until the chavistas no longer needed their permission to rule over them. (That said, Jimmy Carter, the previous worst President of all time, is personally responsible for allowing Chavez to claim an election victory, before he had consolidated power, after every other independent observer had declared the election seriously flawed.)

    A large percentage of Venezuelan “refugees” are not fleeing political persecution. They are fleeing a stinking economy. Many of them are chavistas and chavista thugs.

    Venezuela has been gutted by outmigration. A third of the population is gone. Those that remain are the unlucky, weak, helpless, passive and poor…and those who continue to profit from Maduro’s reign. They are not going to rise up and throw the bums out. There have been many lost opportunities for revolution over the years. No one remaining in the country wants to risk death or the death of family and friends; and that, it has been made plain, is the only way to get rid of Maduro and the chavista thugs.

    There will be hell to be paid for embarrassing Maduro in this election.

    Hamas and Hezbollah might be offered sanctuary there. Iran has had underground bases and training camps there for decades. Maduro will need more mercenaries to continue to subjugate Venezuela and threaten its neighbors, including his now frightened allies.

  4. @Brians

    Did the Japanese journos and politicians fall asleep, leave, laugh, or scowl? Venezuela is not on Japan’s radar at the moment. That would be China.

  5. Maduro is a dumb puppet like biden. diosdado is the power behind the thrown and should have a projectile placed between his ears. the venezuelans are suffering mightily for their stupidity


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