“MAGA Hat Hating Chef” Has to Grovel For Forgiveness – IOTW Report

“MAGA Hat Hating Chef” Has to Grovel For Forgiveness

J. Kenji López-Alt wrote a post saying the MAGA hat wearers will not be served at the restaurant where he cooks.

San Francisco Chronicle- “It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” tweeted J. Kenji López-Alt, the chef-partner of Wursthall in San Mateo, on Sunday.

“MAGA hats are like white hoods except stupider because you can see exactly who is wearing them.”

The backlash was swift, and not just from the right. The left thought it was a pretty narrow and stupid idea, as well.

Miscalculating the amount of wind at his back, the dope had to grovel—>



I want to start by apologizing to my staff and partners at Wursthall. Making a public statement without taking my team’s thoughts into consideration was disrespectful and reckless. My goal at Wursthall was for it to be a restaurant where all employees and staff are treated with respect and trust, and by making that public statement without your consent, I failed at that goal. I will work hard to earn back that trust.

I am very proud to come from a diverse family. My mother is an immigrant from Japan and my father is from a steel town in Western Pennsylvania. My family spans across the political spectrum. Yet we still manage to have a wonderful time at our biannual family reunion because we have three things in common: family, a love for our country, and most importantly, respect for each other and our communities.

Yet this is a far cry from the stories we’re hearing around the country these days. Like many people, I’m scared and confused by the anger, hatred, and violence that I’m seeing in our country right now. Scared for my family and friends, for my community, and for the most vulnerable people among us.

Symbols have power and meaning and can mean different things to different people at different times and in different contexts. After having seen the red hat displayed so prominently in so many moments of anger, hate, and violence, to me — and many others — the hat began to symbolize exactly that: anger, hate, and violence. This was the context my tweet was meant to communicate.

Unfortunately the way I tried to communicate this ended up only amplifying the anger, and I apologize for that.

My message was intended to reject anger, hate and violence, and indicate that these shouldn’t be welcomed in our society and aren’t welcome in our community. It was meant to be directed at those who would try to bring messages of hate, violence, and anger into my place of business, no matter what form it comes in. It was aimed at these three elements rather than at a physical object, but I understand that many interpreted my words in a different context, and construed a message of hate directed at them. This was not my intent in any way, and I am sorry for my recklessness.

What’s more, my personal perspective in no way meant that Wursthall was changing its policy, as is being erroneously reported in media.

Wursthall will continue, as it always has, to serve all customer regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, gender orientation, disability, or political opinion — so long as they leave hate, anger, and violence outside of the doors of our restaurant.

62 Comments on “MAGA Hat Hating Chef” Has to Grovel For Forgiveness

  1. …uh, guy, you might wanna ask your Japanese mom what HER side of the family was up to at around the same time those swastika-wearing guys first came up with the fashion statement in the ’30s.

    …i notice you didn’t say anything about banning the Rising Sun along with the swastika for…some reason…

  2. Grovel – hell. Sounds like he’s now trying to kiss the ass of every Trump Supporter in the area & tourists that may visit that restaurant, because without them his place of business will go broke & he’ll end up flipping boogers at McChoke & Puke to make a living.

  3. You first.

    The only “hate, anger, and violence” I have seen has been AGAINST the red hats.

    If I may insert my humble opinion here — men’s hats should be removed when inside a building and especially at table for a meal.

    We appear to have forgotten manners.

  4. “It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA …”

    Somebody’s looking for attention. Mission accomplished, now crash n burn.

  5. “Go stick a spatula up your ass douchebag.”

    …Don’t give him any ideas, @HippieCritic, you’ve probably just given him the inspiration for how he’ll prepare dishes for MAGA hat deplorables…

    …I would never eat food prepared out of my sight by someone who hates me. It’s just not a good idea…

  6. Having lived in the Bay Area for the last 30 years I can tell you that you would be crazy to walk around with a MAGA hat. I would not even put a “Trump” bumper sticker on my car. Everyone knows that the left preaches tolerance and inclusion but they are the biggest purveyors of bigotry, intolerance, and violence when confronted with views not aligned with their own. Mob rule is the order of the day here in the Bay Area and professing any allegiance to Trump in any fashion is the surest way to get sucker punched or get your car vandalized.

  7. “Mob rule is the order of the day here in the Bay Area and professing any allegiance to Trump in any fashion is the surest way to get sucker punched or get your car vandalized.”

    …and it is noticable from your writing AND their actions that they only use COWARDLY forms of attack, @Rich Taylor…assaulting from behind, attacking children, only fighting in a mob and THEN only once the Police make it clear they will only arrest conservatives, as well as attacking inanimate objects or just randomly bombing things and spraying gunfire into crowds.

    …they seem very reluctant to actually fight like MEN, for some reason…

  8. “….Anyone with four names, unless you are royalty, belongs to an exclusive class of @holes!”

    …based on what we’ve seen lately in England, @TN Volunteer, I’d say that “royalty” is the EXEPLAR of “an exclusive class of @holes!”…

    …also, I could come up with four true and applicable names for him, but I doubt he would LIKE them…

  9. @ Rich Taylor FEBRUARY 1, 2019 AT 12:52 PM

    Living in the Puget Sound region, I know what ya’ mean.

    I have had a small, like five inch by five inch, Protect Human Life sticker on the back of my truck and one on my Jeep that the rotten bastards are continually vandalizing. I have had those stickers on my vehicles for about twenty-five years now. I just replace them.

    The latest is that the kids got a couple American flags that go on the window of the vehicles and wave in the breeze as you drive, the leftist shitbag losers are so petty that they damaged one of them when I was parked at Costco a couple weeks ago.

    They are EXACTLY that which they preach against. Their behavior is absolutely infantile.

  10. Uhhhh, yeah. That’s what I wanna do. Run the gauntlet of human waste, used needles, pickpockets, illegals, drug dealers, pan handlers, mentally deranged liberals, naked homos sodomizing each other, drug addicts, homeless bums, MS-13 types, and other democrats, to get to this expensive shitty restaurant full of losers.

  11. WTF?!?
    That has to be one of the most NON-apologies I have ever wasted my time to read.
    How could you ever trust that they weren’t doing very nasty things to your meal?
    Just another virtue signalling, perpetually butt-hurt, attention seeking beta male.

  12. Nah, I think Kenji meant what he said to begin with or he wouldn’t have said it. Non-apology. Otherwise he would have said he apologized to Trump supporters and that they can’t ALL be evil, or some bullshit like that.
    Bite me.

  13. Did your family come in legally? If they did, then why are you for illegal immigration? Do you lock the restaurant when you close? Then why do you want open borders? Think before you open your mouth and discredit all of the people who waited their turn to come to this wonderful country legally.

  14. I’m saddened by this incident. I’ve followed Kenji for years, starting with his time on America’s Test Kitchen and I’m a huge fan, or was, of his Serious Eats endeavor. He is a brilliant chef and foodie. Dammit.

  15. “Red hats displayed in so many moments of anger, hate and violence” The red hats are targets of anger, hate and violence, meaning the red hats are symbols of being victims of anger, hate and violence viz. his original banning of red hats.

  16. Kenji, you are engaging in the very things you despise, bigotry, prejudice and hate. I wear a MAGA hat but I never feel safe, especially living in a town filled to the brim with people just like you. Do you think for a minute, I voted for Trump to promote violence, fear and hate? If you do, you are the hater, you are the fear monger and you are the intolerant one. I feel bad for you to be honest. Maybe this incident will awaken you to the bigotry and prejudice that’s in your heart and you will become a better, more tolerant person.

  17. He’s an editor on Serious Eats which is a great website but should now be boycotted until they remove him as an editor. F-em. Push back on these intolerant a-holes.

  18. He mentioned swastikas – but not the ORIGINAL swastika – STAR of DEATJ
    The “STAR of DEATH” represents the ORIGINAL “Nazis”, the perpetrators of the FIRST holocaust: FUNNY that everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of their own book..
    Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”

    Numbers c.5 v.2-4
    Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter
    Exodus c.32 v.27
    Numbers c.11 v.1-2
    Numbers c.16 all
    Numbers c.21 v.5-6
    Numbers v.26 v.10
    KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION”
    Numbers v25 v.4-8
    Deuteronomy c.14 v.2
    a very brief selection, many more in THEIR book.
    Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites
    Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites
    Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan
    Numbers c.31 all Midianites
    Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites
    Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon
    Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities
    Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE
    Numbers c.21 v.25
    Numbers c.32 v.39
    Numbers c.33 v.53
    (just to name a FEW)
    Numbers c.33 v.31-34
    Deuteronomy c.7 v.2
    Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30
    Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16
    Deuteronomy c.2 v.2
    Deuteronomy c.7 v.1
    Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD”
    Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”.
    TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State”
    YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State”
    And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21)
    For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH”

  19. William Chandler gets derailed into an antisemite rant when the story is about some moonbat Californican telling us how he’ll refuse service to anyone. Way to stay on point Will. ADD kickin in? UP the meds.

  20. Perfect demonstration of how leftist hate and intolerance hangs on today…all the way from the time of the KKK which this fool is apparently unaware was the military and hate arm of…..ta da!..democrats.

    I especially like the way they cloak their hatred and intolerance as being against such. 1984 and Saul Alinsky.

  21. A “Wurst” is a sausage. Thre are all kinds of wursts. Just like there are all kinds of dumb sh*ts who think they can back down a President. Anyhow, I don’t know if I would want to take my family to a restaurant, white tablecloth or not, where the customers all wore ball caps of one kind or another at the table. “Git yore elbow out of my field peas, bubba !”

  22. This is the typical intolerant leftist who hates truth and anything that is moral and decent. If this scum bag thinks the customers are anything other than pervert promoting baby killers and peanut butter packing leftists they relieve themselves into the food.

  23. Would someone please explain why a MAGA hat is a symbol of hatred, racism etc. I know Democrats say it is, but really, why is it REALLY so offensive? The problem is that Democrats are mad as h..l that they lost, are spilling over with hatred for Trump because he won, and are behaving like spoiled brats. Were Hillary’s shirts and hats a symbol of hatred? Not to you, obviously, because you were on her side. When are you lefties ever going to grow up and quit pitching fits when absolutely everything doesn’t go your way?

  24. I would have been fine with NO political hats worn in the restaurant. That would have been even handed and protective of the feelings of ALL the customers.

    Once again I hear this crap line that MAGA hat wearers are racist, hateful, and violent. I defy this jerk to cite examples of this.

  25. You are defined by what you do willingly.

    He decided to take a unprovoked shot at MAGA. Nobody asked his opinion and it was not in reaction of a bad incident.

    THEN, he excuses himself without truly apologizing. No better than the convicted criminal who sobs his insincere apology to his victims AT HIS SENTENCING HEARING!! BZZZZTT.

    Sorry asshole, you’re FIRED! and hope all your coworkers, whose jobs you screwed, hate your guts! (and God bless President Trump!)

  26. There will be an extremely large explosion, one day, in his eatery…The really big bang, will be caused by his pulling his vapor filled head out of is ass…The apology doesn’t cut it, my child…Grovel…You need to grovel…

  27. The idiot stated, “Yet this is a far cry from the stories we’re hearing around the country these days. Like many people, I’m scared and confused by the anger, hatred, and violence that I’m seeing in our country right now.”

    The idiot neglects to mention all the anger, hatred, and violence is coming from the LEFT, not the right!

  28. What a shocker that a mongrel half-breed is also a dimwitted marxist. It’s almost like that’s exactly why America outlawed mixed marriage for more than hundred years.


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