MAGA Hats and American Flags in Poland – IOTW Report

MAGA Hats and American Flags in Poland

I guess Polish people really are stupid. Why would they revere a guy in bed with Putin? (Sarc/off)

I think freedom loving people the world over knows that if you “Make America Great Again” it makes the world great again.

14 Comments on MAGA Hats and American Flags in Poland

  1. When you treat people with respect, you are respected.

    The US Media has yet to figure that out.

    Unlike what lies Obama told about muslims, the Polish people were instrumental to the rise of the United States from the beginning, now and the future.
    God Bless Poland !

  2. Polish General Casimir Pulaski accepted Ben Franklin’s encouragement and came to aid us in our Revolutionary War. He is credited with personally saving Washington’s life, vastly improved our Cavalry, and gave his own life in 1779 at the Battle of Savannah.
    Another great Pole, Kosciusko(sp?), came and brought drill and discipline to the Continental Army.

  3. Yep, lots of stuff named Pulaski, including a fort, in Savannah.
    Savannah is a highlight destination for Poles visiting the USA.
    Jews too, Charleston, in 1800, had the largest population of Jews anywhere in the US.

  4. Kinda wonder if Soros is behind the riots in Germany. Perhaps the anarchists in Germany, who are rioting against Capitalism, would like to trade places with the starving citizens of Venezuela, who are rioting against communism.

  5. Per Jake Fapper, paraphrasing:
    To see an American president travel abroad and tout American patriotism at the risk of offending other countries and slam another president on top of that, why, it’s just shameful and I can’t recall another president ever doing that……!

  6. Pope John Paul 11 was a wonderful man, a lovable man. I loved and appreciated his anti communism. His alliance with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher to free Poland from communism, and now our President Trump is sealing it. Best speech since Ronald Reagan.

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