MAGA hats, ‘Fake News’ shirts are hot sellers at Newseum, irritating reporters – IOTW Report

MAGA hats, ‘Fake News’ shirts are hot sellers at Newseum, irritating reporters


FOX: The Newseum in Washington, D.C., is an interactive museum that celebrates the role and history of the media in America.

So, what are among the top-selling items in the museum’s gift shop and through its online store? Red caps that say “Make America Great Again,” and T-shirts that say “You Are Very Fake News.”

But the popularity of items associated with President Trump has been irritating many members of the media,, the website for a media think tank, reported.  MORE

13 Comments on MAGA hats, ‘Fake News’ shirts are hot sellers at Newseum, irritating reporters

  1. I feel so bad for them, it makes me want to cry. They’re so hard working, people don’t appreciate all that they do to make this country the best on the planet.

    Said nobody, ever! Unless of course they’re a journalist.

    I was the brunt of fake news around 1996. I worked for a company that upended its long traditional way of doing business. It was a relevant move and was forward thinking considering today people increasingly interact with machines. I was on the front line of explaining the changes to customers. The news media whipped customers into such a lather because of their fake reporting, they would come in ready to fight and they were pissed!

    The news and all media in general have been on my shit list ever since.

    Fake news is not a new phenomenon!

  2. I stopped trusting the media when Cronkite announced to the world that Vietnam was lost. By doing so he destroyed any residual chance of a peaceful settlement and single handedly manipulated history. Although he wasn’t a president or a god most of the public seemed to think he was.

  3. It is being reported daily that President Trump said “The Press is the enemy of the people.” He did not say that. He said “Fake News is the enemy of the people.” Which it is. It is also being reported daily that President Trump and his deplorables are “anti immigration.” We are not. We are anti ILLEGAL immigration. Big difference. That is Fake News.
    Jim Acosta is a fake. CNN delivers Fake News.

  4. This is part of an interesting peak at news attitudes from 100 years, recently reprinted in a local small rural county newspaper column:

    100 Years Ago in the Pocahontas Times: .

    “..On next Tuesday, August 6th, 1918, a primary election will be held in the county, and it is the duty of all voters to come on that day and register their votes.

    Now is the time for us to show that we appreciate our country and our form of government. Too many of us do not realize that right at this time, with all the great nations of the world engaged in war, this country of ours, and this people of ours, are going forward more smoothly and with less governmental and political friction than any other nation. And the reason is our free ballot whereby we know that at regular and stated intervals we can correct any abuses we believe to exist in our government…
    – – –
    The primary is next week and it is the first primary election that we have ever seen approach with so little said and done to stir up strife and confusion among the people. Some time ago the President said something about politics being adjourned, and that has been taken very literally in this part of the country. The mimic warfare of the old time primaries has been totally obscured by a very real and serious warfare to preserve our system of government formed by our revered ancestors and bequeathed to us to keep and maintain…”

    My how times and attitudes of news editors and people have changed, and not for the better, imo.

  5. The sign of a good baseball umpire is that at the end of the game, no one knows his name. This means he did his job and let the game be decided by the players.

    This is also the sign of a good reporter. When Dan Rather, Brian Williams, Jim Acosta, et al. make themselves the story, or use their platform to hawk their own views and policies, they have ceased to be reporters and are just another opinion wonk. You can be an opinion wonk if you want to – there are plenty on television – but don’t try to pass yourself off as a reporter or, in the case of CBS and NBC in particular, as credible news sources.

  6. Sounds like the objecting “reporters” are Anti-1st Amendment; The Newseum can sell whatever they want, and they can choose to buy it, or not. But to object to the sales as some insult to their “craft” is just more bullshit, and they’re pretty good with the BS (another term for “Fake News”).

  7. That place is a dump… and it amazes me that they had the balls to make a shrine to themselves AND charge a fee.

    It’s too bad anybody ever set foot in such a shithole.

    I had to go there because it was my job, but I wouldn’t have paid a penny to get in.

  8. FUN FACT: According to my dear sister and her a$$h*le husband, who still live in D.C., the Newseum is about to go out of business due to lack of visitors (when they opened, they charged $20 per person, while all the Smithsonians and Nat’l Gallery of Art of the Mall are FREE…really smooth business decision). Who knows what they charge today.

    Great view from the roof, though.
    ALMOST as nice as from the TOWER of the TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL…

  9. I hope it’s a big ass burr under the saddle for them. Ride ’em up one side and down the other, to Hell and back until their butt-hurt, back-sore and wrung-out wet… then hang ’em up and let ’em dangle in the breeze!

  10. Another reporter Valerie Insinna, tweeted that she will no longer be visiting the museum.

    “I won’t be recommending it to visitors, and I will not be taking my family and friends there ever again,” she wrote.

    I never considered visiting this museum before, but based on Ms Insinna’s remarks, I may have to plan a visit now.


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