MAGA! Payroll company ADP reported the largest monthly increase in manufacturing jobs ever in their history for November! – IOTW Report

MAGA! Payroll company ADP reported the largest monthly increase in manufacturing jobs ever in their history for November!

Savor this news in context with our last president, the worst since Jimmy Carter, when he lectured and admonished Americans asking for jobs that, “manufacturing jobs are not coming back to America.”

ADP Services reported the largest number of new manufacturing jobs in history – 40,000!

Wrong again, Obungles.

13 Comments on MAGA! Payroll company ADP reported the largest monthly increase in manufacturing jobs ever in their history for November!

  1. Heh! Team D- said everybody should go top college and rack up $80,000 in student loans THEN the government will forgive those loans or they default, same thing.

    How many PhDs do we need in underwater basket weaving?

  2. Meanwhile, Obunghole took credit for the improved economy and in a speech thanked himself. “Thanks, Obama”, he said after attributing economic gains to his policies. What an asshat.


    Wow, that has to be one of the most BUSH LEAGUE statements ever made by a politician. I hope every time Trump wins, people play that clip.

  4. Zonga,

    My son and his fiancee (both doctors) racked up almost 2/3 of a million in debt to become practicing eye docs!

    Next time you question the fees they get add in the malpractice, equipment (lots of dollars there), and all the other costs. Helps you understand why they charge what they do just to make the payments without living expenses or doing anything extravagant like buying a home…

  5. @Extirpates December 7, 2017 at 1:12 pm – Different Tim, the house followed your recommendation yesterday, their motion failed. even if it succeeded, there are no legal grounds for impeachment.

    Impeachment is political, not legal. Different animals altogether. If there are enough votes, PDJT could be impeached for anything, even looking at Melania with a loving husband’s gaze, and with enough votes could be convicted with a mere legislative vote. Of course, that might result in assembly of lamp posts, nooses, and said legislators, but it’s not impossible and I DON’T rule out the asshats in Congress trying it.

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