MAGA: RECORD Turnout for Trump in NH Primary–Doubling Obama’s 2012 Vote – IOTW Report

MAGA: RECORD Turnout for Trump in NH Primary–Doubling Obama’s 2012 Vote

DB: If anyone had any doubts about enthusiasm for President Trump going into the November election…this news should certainly squash it.

With 87 percent of precincts reporting, President Trump has received 126,815 votes in the New Hampshire Primary–more than DOUBLE what President Barack Obama received in 2012 (49,080).

President Trump responded to the news, writing on Twitter, “Fake News @CNN and MSDNC have not surprisingly refused to talk about my record setting number of voters in New Hampshire (and in Iowa). That’s why they are poorly rated Fake News! I will win both states in November.”

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale noted that the president received more votes than any incumbent in the modern political history for the New Hampshire Primary, writing on Twitter, “Despite running against 16 opponents, President @realDonaldTrump won 100% of delegates and the highest number of votes for an incumbent in the modern political history of the New Hampshire primary. This includes both parties!” read more here

12 Comments on MAGA: RECORD Turnout for Trump in NH Primary–Doubling Obama’s 2012 Vote

  1. Bernie says the state motto “live free or die” is a bad thing. Linda Sarsour the muslim terrorist is on his staff.
    I am absolutely amazed at the level of stupidity it takes to vote for this Mr Burns caricature of a human being.

  2. And don’t forget, some of us in NH that knew Trump was a shoo-in to win took Dem ballots and voted for the least electable of the other lineup!

    How do you think Comrade Bernie did so well? The DNC is panicking since he took the lead!

  3. No get cocky. Vote! Vote! Vote! Bring friends, vote, vote some more, let’s see a tsunami… up and down the ballot, a freaking wipeout! An electoral rebuke for the loony left!

  4. @ Peter the bubblehead.
    Idk, I’m a bit concerned about comrade Sanders. If there is one thing we know is that there are lots of stupid/ignorant (young) people who would vote Socialist against their own best interests just to virtue signal, or because they’ve been manipulated into thinking Socialism is cool. If you add in the Democrats and the butt hurt never Trump Republicans that’s a lot of voters. I don’t like it, no, sir. I don’t like it one bit.

    I for one, will not live under a Socialist dictatorship.

  5. @Mohammed’s pink swastika

    You’re assuming the Comrade gets the nomination. At this point, I expect a whole bunch of shenanigans to begin in the DNC’s attempt to prevent his nomination, and then the real fun starts. (Pop the popcorn.)

    On the other hand, I still firmly believe that even if Sanders somehow finagles the nomination, there are enough patriotic real Americans (like you and me) who refuse to vote for a socialist of any stripe and we can rebuke the Dems again at the ballot box in November.


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