‘Magic mushrooms’ legalization effort clears first hurdle in California – IOTW Report

‘Magic mushrooms’ legalization effort clears first hurdle in California

After the legalization of marijuana in California, “magic mushrooms” are moving toward the same status.

A ballot initiative aimed at de-criminalizing mushrooms containing the hallucinogen psylocybin has cleared its first hurdle.

The petition is currently garnering signatures. It needs 365,000 to be placed on a future ballot.

If the measure were put on the ballot and eventually passed, California would become the first state in the nation to legalize such hallucinogens.

26 Comments on ‘Magic mushrooms’ legalization effort clears first hurdle in California

  1. Years ago, I saw a bumper sticker that stated “I brake for hallucinations”. At the time, I thought it was funny, because it was so ridiculous. People actually driving around while tripping on mushrooms isn’t funny, though.

  2. California will see this as another way to gain tax revenues to build the bullet train to nowhere. They’ll sell licenses for shroom growers, they’ll tax the growers and the buyers.

    Nothing they collect or do will offset the carnage of legalizing psylocybin.

  3. Hallucinogens in California is the reason they are, the way they are now.
    All Aboard the Bus for Ken Kesey’s Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, it’s a trip you’ll never recover from.

  4. We should stop all this incremental piecemeal nonsense, and just pull the trigger on this.

    Legalize all drugs. At once. Do it right now. Today.

    Also, pull the plug on all welfare, food stamps, any money giveaway program. End them, the very same day.

    Then step back and watch the fun begin.

  5. California has created a veritable parade of lunacy. Let’s keep all or citizens high and fucked up on shrooms and maybe they want notice we’re 20 jillion dollars in debt. I don’t think the feds are going to be amused. Feds are kinda funny that way.

  6. There they go again getting into direct competition with their supposed friends the Mexican Drug Cartels! Should be good for a laugh or two when the whole state burns down this time!

  7. Legalization of marijuana has been so successful in Oregon. In late summer/early fall you can’t drive anywhere in the rural areas of western Oregon without being assaulted with the strong skunk-smell of pot. Organized crime, drug cartels and ethnic gangs have begun to flood the state using the cover of “legality” to grow massive amounts of marijuana for exporting to other states. In CA, the cartels are responsible for some of the brush fires, when they burned-out their competition. Cash-only business, ripe for robbery and income tax fraud. And people driving under the influence. Now they are making noise about legalizing meth and heroin. But the left says its a success, because they can now get high!

  8. I’m with Davy on this one, nothing good will come out of this stupid idea to legalize magic mushrooms or any kind of hallucinogenic. And I thoroughly disagree with my son on marijuana not being hallucinogenic, he tells me it’s not, so how come even though it’s far more potent now than it was back in the 70’s I got hullubulutioons from it back then. I love my son but he’s dead wrong as far as I am concerned on the effects of pot smoking. I quit in 1975 and I’ll never touch the shit again no matter what the stupid state of Wash. or any other state says to legalize it.

  9. There is nothing in this world legal or not that cannot be obtained if a person desires it and is determined to get it. Drugs, guns, porn, explosives, hookers, anything you want, it’s all out there and someone will supply it if you meet their price.

    There are massive amounts of pot grown in Oregon and other legalized states because there’s a demand for it. Actually I’ve always been amazed at how much money people will pay for what is essentially a damn weed that anybody could grow. The only thing legalization really does is transfer the profits from the drug cartels to the corruption cartel (government).

    Other than one brain dead columnist from the New York Slimes, I doubt that there is one person in this country whose only reason for not trying pot is that it wasn’t legal. I won’t be rushing to California just because its government decided to take its cut of the mushroom business direct instead of having to beg the cartels for bribes.

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