Maher Doesn’t Do So Well Without a Fawning Lapdog Crowd – IOTW Report

Maher Doesn’t Do So Well Without a Fawning Lapdog Crowd

Dan Crenshaw sets the record straight, on Trump virus response, for Bill Maher

ht/ c. steven tucker

18 Comments on Maher Doesn’t Do So Well Without a Fawning Lapdog Crowd

  1. O-M-G! That was an ass kicking of epic proportions. Hey dick-nose, tuck your tail between your legs and slither on out of that reverse beat down interview, because you were bitch slapped by facts. You and your kind can’t handle the facts. Facts trump emotions every time, and I’ll take that Trump card every time.

  2. Red Flag Dan. I guess you take your help where you can get it. I saw a video of Dan running a steel course with his one good eye. Pretty damn impressive actually.

  3. You have been splayed like a frog in a biology class, Maher.
    Crenshaw didn’t make you look like an idiot. you did that yourself
    There are rough men who have performed and suffered answering the nation’s call and have triumphed.

    And then there are latte sipping soy boys like little Billy.

  4. @ Brad”: I saw a video of Dan running a steel course with his one good eye. Pretty damn impressive actually.”

    Brad, think this might be an advantage? No way you get a ghosted front sight with just one eye.

  5. Lowell

    It was more depth perception. He started with a rack at about 20 feet and then rolled out to a Texas Star at about 30 yards. No Cadence bull shit. He understands recoil.
    Now if he’ll just watch his damn mouth when he’s talking about mine and your gun rights.

  6. @trf I forgot about ThisAintHolyWater.
    That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen ever. New liberal N95 masks. Oh shit. Damned funny. Send a crate to Virginia. Perfect fit.

    Go look. It’s hilarious. Piss yourself funny.


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