Maher Loves Fauxcahontas, but…. – IOTW Report

Maher Loves Fauxcahontas, but….

Breitbart: On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that while he loves 2020 presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), “some of her programs, let’s be honest, sound pretty socialist. I just don’t want another George McGovern.”

Maher said, “Elizabeth Warren, I mean, I love her, but I hear a lot of analysts say things like, we’ll lose 40 states. Elizabeth — that’s a 40-state loser election.”

He later added, “Americans don’t think that the economy that works for them is called socialism. … And some of her programs, let’s be honest, sound pretty socialist. I just don’t want another George McGovern.” watch

7 Comments on Maher Loves Fauxcahontas, but….

  1. the new internet meme … repeating everything one posts … wtf is this? … do they think we cannot process the post the first time?

    .. drives me phucking crazy … do they think we cannot process the post the first time?

    & … hey dicknose, ya gonna throw another mill away for Princess Lieawatha?

  2. I like Warren but not her policies. I would say the opposite is true – the only thing anyone likes about her is her giveaways and promise to punish. She herself is unlikeable shrill and awkward hag.


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