#Maiden Gate Trending Now – IOTW Report

#Maiden Gate Trending Now

True News Hub

VOTERS across America have alleged votes cast with their maiden names or former names in some states that handed Biden a victory, adding more weight to President Donald J. Trump’s claims of mass-voter fraud. 

One American claimed that she had discovered that people are voting on behalf of them in other states using their maiden names. 

Another Twitter user wrote: “I am currently registered to vote in 3 possibly 4 different states. My ex husbands last name, my current husbands last name, and my maiden name.” 

The term #MaidenGate started to trend in some parts of America upon the revelations with dozens of voters checking if votes were cast with alternate names or names they used to use. More

If you’re at all suspicious that this fraud may have been perpetrated upon you, there are links in the article for every state’s registration and ballot cast. – Dr. Tar

20 Comments on #Maiden Gate Trending Now

  1. The Office of the President Elect and the Vice President Elect will not be issuing a statement about this absurd rumor. All of this will go away soon if people stop believing truth over facts.

  2. Where an how would one check to see if his name was being used in other States or locations and how would he know it was actually someone using his name and not a different person with the same name?

  3. You have to give them a particination Trophy. Nobody would think to run computer cross checks on voters or check other jurisdictions for such abnormalities. They is stoopid!

  4. This fraudulent election might just kill social media, because they’re going to have to ban all their users if people keep talking about all of these unproven allegations.

    Hardly anybody knows somebody who got sick from covid, but everybody is finding out they voted for Biden…somewhere. This is f—ked up.

  5. Sheesh! How much more can we wrap our brains around. Paranoia led me to check my maiden name and thankfully it didn’t come up, but if it did I would be on the phone to leave Sydney a message. I’m just SO pissed off.

  6. “The more people involved in a conspiracy, the more likely it will be discovered.”

    Also the more likely it will be ignored by the law and media after it is discovered..

  7. Your clerk has not recorded receiving your AV Application.

    This was what came up for my husband. he voted in person on the third
    I voted earlier at the clerks office it showed it as received.
    Wayne county go figure.

  8. At this point in time it my be more expedient to figure out which methods the Libtards didn’t use to cheat. People need to go to jail.

    It was the massive use of early, mail-in voting that gave them this unique opportunity to cheat on such a massive scale. Imagine how formidable a political opponent the dems would be if they instead put their energy towards serving the American people.- Dr. Tar

  9. Dr. Tar

    To add to your point, early mail in voting would not have been implemented if not for the China Virus. And the timing of that virus in nothing short of miraculous. I firmly believe that the Libtards, Never Trumper, Globalists conspired with the Chinese to turn that virus loose. There’s Chinese scientists that have defected that have testified to as much. Trump is costing China and the Globalist to much of our money. And if Biden gets in, they all win, and we all lose. Again.

  10. I sent this to a friend who used to live in Pennsylvania, got married last year and moved to West Virginia. We’ll see what happens. I’m going to look just in case. I lived in PA many many years ago in my early 20’s. Was I registered? Can’t remember.

  11. It would be difficult to claim fraud simply because someone voted with your name because name duplication is quite common. Now, if they are using your Driver License or State ID (where applicable) and/or current or old addresses, that would be something.

    I hope folks do due diligence in their research before making claims of fraud.

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