Maine Handing Out “Boofing Kits” to Addicts – IOTW Report

Maine Handing Out “Boofing Kits” to Addicts

Legal Insurrection

According to The Maine Wire, taxpayers pay for boofing kits, which help addicts safely squirt drugs up their butt:

Maine Access Points, a taxpayer-funded nonprofit based in Bangor, as well as the city of Portland’s city-run needle distribution center are both offering extensive how-to guides and — even anal injection kits — to help drug users squirt narcotics into their anuses.

Maine Wire


36 Comments on Maine Handing Out “Boofing Kits” to Addicts

  1. “Why would anyone in their right mind squirt drugs into their poop chute?”
    Why would a man stick his d!ck in another man’s ass?
    Anything perverted is promoted by OBiden and company.

    As for “Boofing”, it worked so well for George Floyd.

  2. My MIL and my wife need a PRESCRIPTION and have to PAY for needles to keep them from dying of DIABETES.

    …but somehow, tools for abusing illegal drugs in the fastest absorbed and most potentially deadly way possible are A FREE GIFT PAID FOR INVOULENTARY BY TAXPAYERS???

    …I assume assholes who want to inject their assholes are already on some form of “free” medical care, arent the most careful or responsible people, and domt have hygine really high on their list of priorities. Generally speaking, when you start having to do a reacharound for injection sites it probably means youve blown out all your more EASILY accessed veins, and/or have built up such a tolerance that you need to inject in a area with the greatest uptake to get the most “bang for your buck”.

    Of course, you can get very dead because the absorption is greater there and if you use a “normal” quantity anally of ANYTHING, including alcohol, its FAR more likely to be an overdose via that route. Too, you can get some vicious blood infections from creating an open wound where shit is, basically the same principle as the Vietnamese “Pungi Sticks”, but self-service and self-inflicted.

    Im sure they cover this in some form in their guides; Im equally sure the people needling their asses arent big on reading.

    …while it may be fun to conteplate the gymnasics and use of mirrors or phone cameras that must be involved in this, keep in mind this person is likely ALREADY “on the state”, and so WE get to pay for their enthusiactic bunghole stabbing. Plus, this is the sort of person who shares their fun, maybe stumbling in front of YOUR car or driving their own BEHIND you when unconciousness claims them, not to mention the tragedy of the children that are endemic to people who let others abuse their body one way so they can have money to abuse their bodies another way.

    …its bad enough that people do this at all on their own, but they CERTAINLY shouldnt have Government giving them tools and DIY instructions, and they ABSOLUTELY shouldnt be doing it WITH MONEY STOLEN FROM ME AT GUNPOINT VIA TAXES…

  3. …help drug users squirt narcotics into their anuses.

    These deviants can’t even get the nomenclature right. The addicts squirt drugs into their rectums. To get there, they have to go through their anuses but they’re not injecting the drugs into their anuses.

    Good grief, but that sure was one nasty nit to pick. 🤮

  4. The first time I ever heard the word “boof” was when the idiot journos were busy analyzing—pun intended—the word because it was in Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbook. If this demented Maine policy somehow gets challenged and makes it to SCOTUS, I guess Justice Kavanaugh will have to recuse himself.

  5. There’s a lot of perverse practices come from the left and unfortunately, they keep finding ways to put it in our faces and expecting us to go along with their demented behaviors.

  6. So, apparently it’s all about safety. You need a boofing kit because it’s really dangerous and you might go poof in there. In which case you would need a poofing kit. But that would be messy because things would be blown up and there’d be crap all over the wall. Safety first. Bless their hearts.

  7. Years ago, I read a biography on Lenny Bruce.
    I read in one chapter where, after breaking into a pharmacy with a couple other guys, he found morphine suppositories and was highly elated. When asked why, since the items did not give the same high as injection…he was quoted as saying; “I don’t care, I just like puttin’ stuff in my ass.”

  8. When I was posting right here: Irrespective of how filthy and disgusting progs behavior is… you haven’t seen anything yet. people were scoffing. Folks, you have to trust me on this one, there is absolutely no limit to what the filthy disgusting sonsabitches are capable of. They were publishing articles about eating each other’s shit at parties well over a decade a decade ago in Seattle and Portland.

    They are absolutely disgusting.

  9. @mystaclean:

    I wonder if they have the George Floyd commemorative boofing kits?

    No, those were pulled off the market on May 25, 2020. Just in time for Juneteenth gift-giving, they replaced those with the George Floyd Memorial boofing kits. 😮

  10. Where do they get these terms for all this perverted behaviors. Substance abuse must severely retard the language area of the brain. Guessing stupid words pop into addicts wasted minds while participating in perverted acts that are unmentionable. “Boofing” sounds like something Casper the Ghost would say. Wow. Drug addicts are geniuses.

  11. they aren’t going to dispose of their booferettes properly. Who would want to handle that afterwards or save it to use again later?
    Out on a limb here but- expect cholera there soon (it is happening in the middle east)

    wash your hands!

  12. Makes me want to find the latest edition of Websters Dictionary to see if Boof, Boofing, Boofer, and Boofter are in it or not.

    I expect not for Boofter, which will likely be rejected as a derogatory, toxic, mean-spirited term of hate toward the Boofer community.

  13. When your habit has you to the point where finding a vein for injection is extremely difficult from over use (collapsed or other damage) this becomes a solution .

    Apparently they’re not familiar with injecting under the tongue (which also hides the tracks).

    Almost don’t want to put my alias on this one.

  14. Frank Gallagher on Shameless was doing booze enemas because he couldn’t drink as his esophagus and guts were all tore up. Yes, I know it was a fictional TV show.


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