Maine: House Democrats Kill Bill to Ban Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – IOTW Report

Maine: House Democrats Kill Bill to Ban Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)


Following swift action from Maine House Democrats on the last day of the legislative session, there will be no Female Genital Mutilation ban in the Pine Tree State.

After months of pretending they wanted to stop the barbaric ritual child abuse of FGM, the Democrat caucus showed their true colors on the issue late Wednesday night.

By a final vote of 77-70, the House killed the FGM ban in a mostly party-line vote. Rep. Cathy Nadeau (D-Winslow) was the only Democrat who crossed the aisle to protect young daughters of immigrants in Maine from this brutal abuse.

You can see a full roll-call vote by clicking here.


ht/ moxie man

11 Comments on Maine: House Democrats Kill Bill to Ban Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

  1. Always count on democrats to do the most evil things.

    Meanwhile, the liberal women watch “A Handmaid’s Tale” and worry about Conservatives making them wear Puritan bonnets, go barefoot, and force them go back into the kitchen.

  2. One (I) Higgins voted Y. with the (R)s to complete the 70 Yes votes.
    Four absent.
    The (D)s were 100% No, picking up a few extra N votes from and a few (I)s, one Commie, one G .
    Sick minded people. It’s really difficult to understand why anyone would vote No.
    And tomorrow the same bunch that voted No – will claim they are the defenders of women against the evil republicans.

  3. Sarah Gideon, Speaker of the House, made sure it wouldn’t pass. Pretty much because she doesn’t like Republicans and more likely because she can’t stand Scarborough Rep Heather Sirocki. Rep Sirocki really got the ball rolling on this bill. She has been a great legislator. She knows the state Constitution and has fought against many democrat schemes that violate it.

    To vote against such a barbaric practice being outlawed because of politics takes sick and twisted minds.

    My despicable Rep. Kevin Battle voted against it. He was a Republican. We knew he was squishy but we helped him get elected. Then when he started his second term he switched to “Independent” without telling us anything. He admitted to the media he had been thinking about it for months.
    The really disturbing thing about him voting against outlawing fgm is that he is a retired cop!!

    Portland is infested with Somalis. The teachers have been given orders to not punish them. The cops are pretty much hands off and are even recruiting them to become cops.

  4. Good gracious.
    How can a person be partisan about a bill protecting a small child from being physically and sexually abused???

    It literally boggles the mind, what sort of twisted justification do them give themselves? I’d really like to know.

  5. Too bad the Muzzies don’t practice a bris-plus ceremony. I mean a full and total “circumcision”. Just might stop them from breeding like flies.

    “You can’t spell Mohammed without HAM.”


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