Maine Law Enforcement Officials Report ‘Uptick’ in Fake Social Security Numbers – IOTW Report

Maine Law Enforcement Officials Report ‘Uptick’ in Fake Social Security Numbers


Officials within a police department in Maine warned that they have seen an “uptick” in fake social security numbers being used for driver’s licenses.

Darcy Valido, the communications assistant director of operations for the Sanford Regional Communications Center within the Sanford Police Department, sent an email warning that officials had seen an increase in the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) issuing driver’s licenses that are “using 999-99-9999” as the social security number, according to Maine Wire. MORE

13 Comments on Maine Law Enforcement Officials Report ‘Uptick’ in Fake Social Security Numbers

  1. I would bet it is happening in Florida too. DeSantis appointed Dave Kerner, a Palm Beach democrat, to be executive director of the Florida Department Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle, which oversees driver licensing.

  2. Pass time for photo ID like the VA and maybe finger prints, could be used for voting ID as well. Opps did I say voting ID? That will never pass, can’t have that.

  3. The government undermines driver licenses as a valid form of id by issuing them to illegals, then demand American citizens provide more proof for real ID. How long til illegals have Real ID and you have to get really real ID.

  4. Remember when Social Security cards had “Not to be used for identification purposes” printed right on them? One tour in the military dispelled that myth.

  5. Some timing, eh?
    Just a month after the Cumberland County Soros funded DA says she’s not prosecuting traffic violations of illegals. And a few weeks after an illegal from MA killed a woman on the Maine Turnpike.
    Freaking leftists ruined this state.


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