Maine Republicans Try To Repeal “Rank Choice” Voting – IOTW Report

Maine Republicans Try To Repeal “Rank Choice” Voting

Maine Republicans are launching an effort to get a people’s veto to repeal ranked-choice voting in the November presidential election.

“One person, one vote is a bedrock American principle,” said Demi Kouzounas, chair of the Maine Republican Party’s ballot question committee. “Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a direct violation of that principle and threatens the rights of all Mainers and delegitimatizes our election process.”   

Kouzounas and the Republican party want to prevent ranked-choice voting from being used in the 2020 presidential election. more

14 Comments on Maine Republicans Try To Repeal “Rank Choice” Voting

  1. As I understand it, ranked choice voting means that instead of voting for just one candidate, a voter places a vote for each of the candidates on the ballot in order of the voter’s preference (from first choice to last choice).

  2. Anonymous,
    As TN Tuxedo explained, you place your candidates in preferred order. If no candidate gets 50.1 percent of the total votes, the lowest percent candidate gets dropped off and whoever voted for them, their votes now go to their number 2 choice, and so on.

    In other words, if three are three candidates, and two of them are Democrats, and no one gets 50.1%, the lowest percent candidate (probably one of the democrats) is dropped and his votes go to the #2 choice, who is also probably the Democrat.

    That’s how Maine lost their Republican Congressman last year. He technically won with the highest vote count in the first round, and in any other state that’s where it would end. But with RCV, all the third candidate votes went to the other Dem candidate and he was declared the winner.

  3. The real problem is that if you don’t want the other candidates and vote for only your choice he doesn’t get any votes from the dropped candidate since you are not allowed to vote your candidate as your 2, 3 , or 4th choice. You get 1 vote while others get two or more.

  4. Pro Choice, Rank Choice…When they say “choice”, there is no choice. Your vote gets funneled wherever it is needed. Or it gets recycled, if that makes you feel better.

    Paper ballots, OPOV

  5. Fish get’s it.
    The problem with Maine’s GOP is that they are still idolizing Margaret Chase Smith, who, while a very nice housewife, was a poor choice for senator.
    We might not be in the mess we are in if Joe Maccarthy had been given another two years to clean out the Communist scum that has fuqd up our country.


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