Mainers To Vote On Right To Food Amendment – IOTW Report

Mainers To Vote On Right To Food Amendment

Courthouse News

For Maine state Representative Billy Bob Faulkingham, amending the state Constitution to recognize a constitutional right to food is just common sense.

“In the last decade I think everybody, no matter where you are in the country, has probably seen an expansion of the farmers’ markets and such because people want to get that food closer to home, healthier food, get away from the big corporate producers,” said Faulkingham, a fifth-generation lobsterman who has captained a lobster boat since he was 15.

Thanks to a resolution he helped introduce into the legislature, Maine voters will decide on Election Day whether to become the first state to codify a right to food in their state Constitution. More

It’s not about demanding the state has the obligation to feed all citizens (which is what I thought at first), but that states citizens are left alone to eat the food of their own choosing. – Dr. Tar

20 Comments on Mainers To Vote On Right To Food Amendment

  1. Does this explain the 300 lb slobs with 200 lb 6 yr olds I see at checkout with a cart full of frozen pizza, chips and 2 liter bottles of soda and paid for with EBT or food stamps?

  2. ^^^^ the people in front of me this morning. Two sisters, one a handifat, as she was in the three wheeler and acted like she could barely move around in the chair. The other one paid with EBT…nothing but junk food and not a veggie in sight.

  3. So it’s a ‘Down Maine’ version of “my body, my choice?” It’s your body and you get to decide what to put in it?

    Let’s apply that logic to ‘vaccinations.’

  4. Yes, ‘Right to Food’ isn’t really correct. Here is the relevant text:

    Question 3: Constitutional Amendment
    Do you favor amending the Constitution of Maine to declare that all individuals have a natural,
    inherent and unalienable right to grow, raise, harvest, produce and consume the food of their own
    choosing for their own nourishment, sustenance, bodily health and well-being?

  5. This world, This country, These people, that live
    in This country owe me, you and them absolutely
    FRICKIN’ NOTHING !!! No food,water,health care
    or housing.Nothing is free and it never has been.

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