Maine’s Soros-Funded DA Will No Longer Charge Illegal Aliens for Some Traffic Violations – IOTW Report

Maine’s Soros-Funded DA Will No Longer Charge Illegal Aliens for Some Traffic Violations


The Cumberland County DA will no longer charge individuals for driving without a license, driving an unregistered vehicle, or driving with a suspended registration.

Although the new non-charging policy will apply to all drivers in Cumberland County, the traffic violations in question are commonly associated with individuals who are present in the U.S. illegally and therefore cannot obtain Driver’s Licenses or vehicle registrations.

The policy change means that any individual pulled over in Cumberland County driving an unregistered vehicle, driving without a license, or driving with a suspended registration will face no criminal penalty if that is their only alleged violation.

Typically, non-charging memoranda have a trickle down effect that result in law enforcement stopping to even attempt enforcement of laws which they know will never apply.

According to the memo, a copy of which was obtained by the Maine Wire, Sartoris is making the change because the Cumberland County DA’s caseload is too high for the taxpayer-funded workers to efficiently process.

ht/ beachmom


I am sure this dipshit DA tried to exempt just illegals, but had to be told that that would be unequal protection under the law. So, she was forced to implement her cockamamie idea across the board.

She asked if anyone had better ideas how to handle the situation because Maine’s caseload is so high.

Yes, I have an idea. Keep it illegal to drive an unregistered vehicle, drivie without a license, or drive with a suspended registration, and DEPORT ILLEGALS!!!!!!!! There. Simple. Constitutional. Easy as pie.

9 Comments on Maine’s Soros-Funded DA Will No Longer Charge Illegal Aliens for Some Traffic Violations

  1. 99% of the illegals here are Africans.
    They drive nice cars too.
    I saw one driving a new $65,000 Nissan suv.
    They go about 35 on the highway and just stop randomly in the street.
    I saw one slide through an intersection in the snow, get around the corner, get out of the car in his sandals and walk away.
    There are near misses every day.
    I wonder what the DA will do when they start killing people with their cars.
    Nothing I’m assuming.

  2. So, the DA is submitting an early and broad guilty plea to accessory before the fact of all the death and destruction wrought by these illegals?

    Lock him/her up.

  3. It should start people wondering what the point of the DMV is? Nothing the DMV does is for the benefit of the drivers. You are treated like cattle at the bureau, give them money for the privilege. Know that if your car is stolen it is low priority. They have a hard time finding a match for a partial license. In fact license plates should be permanently affixed to the car to have any value as a means of ID.

  4. I knew someone who was a state trooper in an agricultural area. Whenever he got to the scene of an accident, he could tell who was at fault. If the illegal was still there, it was the other person’s fault. If the illegal had taken off, it was his.


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