Mainstream Media Wrong Again – IOTW Report

Mainstream Media Wrong Again

Six New Photos Of Soldiers Looking At Biden With Disgust Have Emerged.

This one’s my favorite. lol

25 Comments on Mainstream Media Wrong Again

  1. Let’s consider the circumstances. Inasmuch as these soldiers just heard from their obviously demented Commander in Chief that they are soon going to be fighting Russkies in Ukraine; possibly being part of a chemical weapons “in kind” response; and being forced to watch an old geezer stuff pizza down his gullet, they have earned the right to look a bit skeptical and dismayed. It’s not fun watching an old guy dribbling cheese down his chin while his dentures are slipping.

  2. Joey deserves no respect. I can’t blame any of these soldier’s utter contempt for the old geezer. They know and sense that this old fool is just about unleash them as cannon fodder into a useless and senseless war that they don’t want to have any part of. God help us and our brave volunteer men and women in the military who are in the midst of a bad situation that could very well get out of hand. And they know as the old acronym goes they are about to be committed to one hell of a FUBAR mess. SNAFU for the Navy.

  3. It’s also reported that within Pentagon circles the brass are becoming increasingly disgruntled with the unstable Joe Biden’s antics since he threatens their own elitist-type coffers.

  4. Any normal human looks with disgust at a guy who is a traitor, usurps his position, is shamelessly corrupt, is a liar, and shits his pants.

    Just the way it is.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Respect is EARNED, not given.

    Pedo has done NOTHING in his whole entire life worthy of respect.

    Some might say, “you must respect the office, if not the man”.

    Those who DO respect the office know that man is fraudulently installed there.

    But that said, these men took an oath and they DO respect that office.

    Which is the only reason they haven’t torn him apart with their bare hands yet.

  6. Kamala Harris is Next
    MARCH 29, 2022 AT 1:03 AM
    “We can’t wait till soldiers leer at Kamala Harris when she is president.”

    …any soldier…any MAN…who leers at Kamala needs to have his tastes examined.

  7. …the current generation really doesn’t seem to know how respect works. They demand respect for bad lifestyle choices, for criminal activities, for the color of their skin, for what they do or do not have between their legs and who they use that with; they demand respect for merely existing and taking up space, and think they are owed deference straight from the womb and do not have to work at it.

    That is not how human beings work and never will be.

    Life in general IS worthy of respect, but only from the standpoint that it was the gift of God and God has a purpose that can only be revealed over time. Oddly, they do NOT have THIS respect, instead behaving as though life in the womb is optional and deserves no respect in the womb and even somewhat thereafter, that it can be cancelled for whim or convenience or because it may not be perfect as we judge perfect to be.

    The left in particular believes respect is demanded for THEIR political views, but to be utterly denied to anyone else’s, even to the point of killing those who disagree with them. This is why they insist on respect for the office of the President when a demented pedophiliac is in it, because he (or someone behind him) pushes their agenda, while the respect is NOT to be accorded when Donald Trump is in office.

    Look at the streets of the Democrat cities. One of the highest crimes you can commit to a hood rat is “Disrespect”, where you do not acknowledge someone for the strength of their fist, the insanity of their drives, the thugs they command, or the weapons they have. This is punishable by death, the ultimate act of disrespect. But at the same time, they do NOT respect the best-armed, best-trained, best-controlled group of armed men in the same space, the police, simply because the police deny them full freedom to practice the words of Alester Crowley (yes, the some one Ozzy Osborne sings about in “Mr. Crowley”), which are “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”. This has resulted in entire cities being burnt with the connivance of the Democrats who run them, because one side thinks respect is demanded and that the other side deserves no respect at all.

    Do you see the cognitive dissonance here?

    To them, respect is fungible, traded for political favors and given for political acts to reward friends, and withheld at will to punish enemies.

    But no matter how you use that word, at its core respect MUST be earned. If you are pretending to be president you CAN make someone ape a form of respect to you through fear, but the fear is only because he knows you can imprison him, kill his family and take his house through the acts of others, it does NOT mean he has any actual respect for YOU because without the thugs that surround you, you would be easily destroyed and everyone knows it.

    And those thugs only obey your commands because those that control YOU, control THEM as well, and you are only provided THEIR services because you are serving the purposes of those others for now.

    And everyone knows it.

    Respect in modern usage has been corrupted, as everything is corrupted, by satan through his Democrats, but that doesn’t change what it actually IS.

    What it IS is when you have earned being honored by others for your abilities and for your humanity, for your manifest dedication to duty and for your efforts to genuinely make this a better world. for your skills and your drive as demonstrated over time and through real life crises.

    And Pedo Joe would not know any of these things if they bit him.

    Those who command the Pedo can require service of others, can demand deference, can even insist on obedience.

    But they can never get him TRUE respect, because he is demonstrably worthy of none, and never will be.

    That’s why those soldiers are looking at him like that.

    He can command men’s words.

    But he will never be able to command their hearts.

  8. “We can’t wait till soldiers leer at Kamala Harris”

    Define “leer”. The passage of time on her has been significant. She’s grandma to most of these guys.

    Maybe some lesbian soldiers will leer at her, though. I’ll grant you that.

  9. “A dictator, bent on rebuilding an empire, will never erase the people’s love for liberty,”
    “for free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness.
    For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

    You need to heed your own advice dumbass.

  10. Deplorable Second Class
    MARCH 29, 2022 AT 8:49 AM
    “Biden should hire an acting troop to travel with him, bringing their plastic smiles, and applause signs…”

    …he needs a laugh track too.

    Because this shit ain’t funny any more.

  11. I know what that black guy is saying with those devilish eyes: You old white man is going to send us colored folks to get killed for your sorry ass. That’s racists!


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