Major Burger King Franchisers Going Bankrupt – IOTW Report

Major Burger King Franchisers Going Bankrupt

In all, roughly 10% of Burger King’s 7,400 locations in America are likely to disappear in 2023, industry estimates reveal. Right now, corporate executives are pressuring collapsing franchisees to sell their stores to other operators instead of closing them, which could result in financial losses to the tune of $300 million. Last month, the company joined a filing alongside various creditors and vendors, to force a sale of the remaining units managed by struggling franchisees. The fast food chain’s US store profitability has been declining for over a decade now. In fact, between 2010 and 2020, Burger King’s annual revenue decreased by 36%. In 2010, the brand made an average revenue of $2.5 billion, whereas that number was only $1.9 billion in 2022. More

What they need to do is offer the REAL Cheeseburger-

‘Disgusting!’ Burger King Thailand releases new cheeseburger with no meat and 20 slices of cheese

24 Comments on Major Burger King Franchisers Going Bankrupt

  1. “… that number was only $1.9 billion in 2022.”

    Love that “only.”

    If I “only” had $1.9 billion, I don’t think I’d be crying.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. With the sky-high pricing at regular restaurants today, fast food, with some smart innovation and menu tweaking, could very easily fill that void.

    This morning we took the dogs to Half Moon Bay for some beach romping. We stopped by the town cafe for breakfast, 12 bucks for the wife’s waffle and 17 bucks for my pancakes, and nothing special either.

    Folks still want to eat out from time to time but don’t want to get mugged doing it. Provide decent food at a decent price, and don’t wear your politics on your sleeve, and you will never go out of business.

  3. I do like a real whopper (not that ‘impossible’ crap…) with NO cheese – American cheese might as well be called impossible (aka Fake) cheese…

    A burger with only fake cheese? Um, no. I’d rather eat McD’s pseudo-meat.

  4. BK supports lgbt and has had numerous distasteful ads including “the7 incher” and Pride Whopper. And didn’t they tell people to dump milkshakes or something on conservatives a couple years ago?

  5. While I enjoy a good Whopper from time to time, the staff that work at the BKs in my area are incompetent or criminals. One BK where I ordered at the counter swiped my card three times because she said it wasn’t going through and I got charged three times for the same meal. By the time I could see the transactions on my on-line banking, it was too late to get BK to refund the overcharge.
    Then the other BK in my area was closed down for several weeks and more than half the staff – including the night manager – fired and/or arrested for selling hard drugs out the drive-thru window using the code phrase “Fries, extra crispy.”
    At least at McD’s I don’t seem to have to worry about being ripped off or dying of an OD with my food!

  6. Seems to me that those franchises who pushed that fake burger crap are the ones doing poorly. Last time I visited Panda, they had no fake crap in their food court. I no longer see it at the grocery store where the meat is. They had a section for it which is no longer there BECAUSE NO ONE WAS BUYING IT! Furthermore, it’s getting too expensive for many to eat at those fast food places. I can cook a burger at home and I know who cooked it and where my hands have been.

  7. When I was young, indestructible, and would eat junk food, I definitely preferred Burger King over McDonalds. Not even close. But it seems that BK has been in trouble for as long as I can remember, going back to those commercials with the creepy guy in the “King” outfit. On a side note, is it just me or are the kids working in these fast-food establishments getting dumber? Between the incredible amount of time it takes for these brain-damaged kids to figure out how to count your change, and the amazing number of times they can screw up a simple order, I can see why people are staying away.

  8. Their new ad campaign is enough to make me vomit. Those fags singing the off-key jingle is off-putting. Plus, they have saturated the TV screen with so many BK commercials, it’s a wonder I haven’t shot my TV. Those faggy Wendy’s commercials aren’t any better with those goofy middle-aged men serving crap in their Wendy’s uniforms.

  9. I was dragging a 35′ gooseneck and only BK had room for my truck and trailer. I had my wife with me. A Whopper w/ cheese combo w/onion rings instead of fries and Whopper Jr combo was just under $25. That was almost a year ago and I haven’t been back to a BK since. BK does not have gourmet burgers but they are charging gourmet burger prices.

  10. @ Rich Taylor “People still want to eat out but ….. ”

    Speak for yourself. I NEVER wanted to go to a restaurant. My home grown, home butchered pork chops are 1 1/2 inches thick and grilled slowly over the coals from a mesquite fire in a home made Argentine grill. Why in the heck would I want to drive into town, etc., etc. to get less than I can have in my yard?

  11. Only 10% are going to close? I think way more than 10% of central FL BK’s have closed in the last few years. The quality has gone so far downhill it wouldn’t surprise me if they completely disappeared soon.


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