Major Vendors Pull “Granny Tranny” Halloween Costume – IOTW Report

Major Vendors Pull “Granny Tranny” Halloween Costume


WalMart, Target and Amazon have all pulled the “Granny Tranny” costume after complaints from the “LGBTQ community.”

“The so-called ‘Tranny Granny’ costume includes a dress and headscarf, with ‘curvaceous butt and boob pads to complete the look’.   According to Yahoo! the online sites were offering the get up for only $25 when it was set to retail for $64.


Yahoo! article Here

The Yahoo! article is note worthy for

1.) using an image of a women dressed in the “Tranny Granny” costume (which defeats the purpose)

2.) the comments which take the author to task for being such a humorless scold.

Note: NEVER, ever do an internet search on “Tranny Granny” with out adding “costume” and don’t look for images that way either. You’ve been warned.

14 Comments on Major Vendors Pull “Granny Tranny” Halloween Costume

  1. Sigh i guess sheets are out for ghosts since they could offend some anti KKK, or pro KKK people too. Cannot go nude because the RockMyRack people would be against it. What’s left? Just Don’t go Trick or Treating…another American fun tradition poofed in the wake of the LGBT dementors.

  2. Why do these corporations bow to the gaystapo tactics of this humorless, fun-hating minority? Are they afraid of a boycott of .02 percent of the population? What about those like me who will go back top Kroger? Everyday we hear about another company giving in to the transformation of this country away from liberty, fun, individualism, traditional values and American customs. If the costume was called cracker granny, trailer park granny or hillbilly granny I am sure there would have been no complaints. Target is already on all our lists. Add Walmart.

  3. Where is the HRC custume?
    A chairman Moe coat over a pair of pants. Yellow wig,corncob teeth, blue
    eye glasses. You walk up to the door coughing and then you stiffen up and the. Start shaking.
    Two of your friends dressed as secret service agents pick you up and carry you to the next house. While your shoe is left behind.

  4. But the ‘mos have no problem dressing up as “pervert priests” or “sexy nuns” in their faggy parades to mock and ridicule Catholicism. It’s almost like they have a double standard or something.

  5. Slap a new label on it calling it “Funny Grandmother” or something and no one would say a peep in protest over dudes dressing like old ladies. But suggest that a transvestite might be a funny out for Halloween and the world has to come to a screeching stop to accommodate the aggrieved.

    We’ve lost our sense of perspective, humor and our collective minds.

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