Make America Hot Again – IOTW Report

Make America Hot Again

HT/ Petrus

What can I tell you? On a purely superficial note, if I’m going to have to see a couple of woman, constantly, for the next 4 years- I want the Trumps.


37 Comments on Make America Hot Again

  1. If Hillary manages to pull off a victory this November, eye bleach will become a scare commodity. Better stock up just in case…

    Ya know, if she was a righteous woman who loved America and took our national interests to heart, I could care less about her looks, her wardrobe choices or anything else about her. Look at Golda Mier in her later years, fer cryin’ out loud. She looked like LBJ after someone beat him with a shovel. But she loved Israel. Hillary only loves herself and money.

  2. Proof Republican women look like women and Demorat women look like something dragged backwards out of the Detroit sewers.

    Exactly what Big Papi said and we don’t need to hear their strident, grating voices again either.

  3. Anonymous brings up a good point. The father of that child is unknown. I always gave them the benefit of the doubt as to parentage, but since the Clintons live a web of lies who the hell knows.

    Chelsea’s father could be a Great Dane for all I know.

    No offense meant to Great Dane owners intended.

  4. There was a time, for about 6 months, that Chelsea looks fairly decent. Probably post-plastic surgery. Then, to quote Cripes Suzette, her old face started to grow back.

  5. Mr. Hat, are we going to have to contribute mightily to this site again just to keep the skanks away?

    The punishments will continue until morale improves.

    Then they’ll continue some more. He’s sadistic like that.

  6. @sig94:

    If you ever have a chance to see the play, “Golda’s Balcony,” go. Or read the script. What a fine leader. Way more balls than Oblowme.

    #Fish on a Bicycle:

    The answer is, “Having her as my head of state and commander-in-chief.”

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