Make It Stop – Chelsea Being Groomed For Congressional Run – IOTW Report

Make It Stop – Chelsea Being Groomed For Congressional Run

NY Post-

Last November, Page Six reported that Chelsea was being groomed for a Congressional run. The Clintons “will not give up,” a source said. “Chelsea would be the next extension of the Clinton brand.”

That’s the problem. Putting aside America’s exhaustion with dynastic politics, Chelsea herself, as a potential candidate, comes loaded with Clintonian baggage: the greed, the entitlement, and her mother’s greatest flaw — an inability to connect with common people.

Chelsea, like her mother, seems unruffled to the point of robotic function. Her new Twitter presence, electrifying compared to the Chelsea we’ve known since childhood, is really quite safe: What Democrat can’t get behind the social issues she’s promoting? It’s not like she’s tweeting about the two wars we’re still fighting or the Iran deal or TPP or whether the Fed should raise interest rates.

But the Dems should consider how a Chelsea candidacy would play to the still-bruised Sanders cohort. Last Monday, the Washington Times reported that some attendees at a DNC forum in Baltimore were virulently “Never Chelsea.”

“Chelsea needs to go away,” 49-year-old Guinevere Boyd said. “She has nothing to offer. She has said some horrible, clueless things about progressives and progressive issues.”

“The country does not have any more appetite for the Clintons,” said Mike Bender, 61. “Enough is enough.”

Then there’s the general electorate. Trump won by speaking to the white working class, acknowledging their economic and cultural anxieties, assuring them that they would no longer be left behind. Hillary, defying even her husband’s advice, simply ignored them.

Through this prism, it’s hard to see how Chelsea Clinton reaches the average voter. She has never struggled for anything. She and her husband, hedge-funder Mark Mezvinsky, live in a $10.5 million apartment in the Flatiron District. Chelsea has held a series of vague high-paying jobs. She worked at McKinsey & Co., a consulting firm, then at Avenue Capital Group, a hedge fund. She was passionate about neither, and her accomplishments remain unknown. more


27 Comments on Make It Stop – Chelsea Being Groomed For Congressional Run

  1. Hey, Maxine Waters keeps getting reelected. They have picked a solid D district for her to run in. All that’s left is to assasinate the character of her primary opponent. Only possible fly in the ointment is Caroline Kennedy. Average IQ of the two is approximately 80.

  2. I believe Mooch will run for presch-edint. She really connechts with the average voter and schtreet lingo. She’d get all the blacks, all the mexicans, all the fatasses, all the fatasses who don’t want to be fatasses, the women, the pussified men, and the whites tripping over their privilege. She’d be a machine.

  3. She just wrote a book about Global Health. Or she corrrcted the grammar of the Indian lady who actually wrote it, I don’t know. Anyway, she obviously has global ambitions and can’t be bothered with constituents and their needy whining. And the running for office every two years. Ugh. Plus she’s lazy as Mooch. She has UN written all over her.

  4. I really enjoyed reading this article in the NY Post yesterday. The Clintons and their diehard supporters really don’t understand how much of America they have alienated. Eight years of William Jefferson Clinton and four years of Hillary Rodham Clinton mismanaging everything they touched (except the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation) has left most sensible people ready to “Just Move On!” Hopefully, by the time the next election comes round, the Mother of all Baggage will be defending herself for her misdeeds and corruption, and Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky can retire before she is humiliated by the voters.

  5. Good way for slow learning wealthy democrats to part with their money. When will they ever learn? Americans are sick of the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Even my most hard core democrat pals are now reaching out to talk about politics. They’ve opened their minds and are open to the idea Republicans might be onto something after all. Bad news for Clintons.

  6. In Podesta’s leaked emails, he said that Chelsea was too damn stupid to be in government. That in and of itself, is a pretty damning statement. Anyway, anyone who elects her deserves what they get.

  7. No more Clintons…ever!

    When her parents climb the gallows we will be on the right track. Anyone who voted for the Hildabeast is morally bankrupt given her utter corruption. To vote for her incompetent daughter is only a shade less evil.

    This is where my Christian beliefs comfort me. I know there will be justice served to the Clinton crime clan.

  8. 1. Graduate of Stanford.
    2. Couldn’t keep a job at NBC provided by her mom and dad
    3. Her book bombed
    4. Doesn’t own a Thesaurus or knows what that is.
    Why not?
    She’ll be a white “Maxine Waters, Jackson Lee, Barbara Lee, etc. Entertainment in DC

  9. Maybe Schmuckles Schumer will hand her his seat when he retires … like Moynihan did for her momma …

    a Senate seat would be better’n a House seat … just a thought …

    izlamo delenda est …

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