MAKE NOTE: Where were you when Donald J. Trump became president? – IOTW Report

MAKE NOTE: Where were you when Donald J. Trump became president?

Where was I when Donald J. Trump became president of the United States?

I was with the best group of people anyone could ever ask for – my friends at iOTWreport.

We hung in there through thick and thin, and now we are entering a new era. Our hope is that it will be an era of prosperity and happiness for all.

Remember, it is up to an individual to make this country great again. A president cannot lead a great country without great people. Make yourself as great as you can be. That is task number one. Keep reminding fellow citizens what it takes to be a great American.

We took a nice first step in turning this country around by defeating Hillary Clinton and electing Donald J. Trump, but our work is not done. For a great American, our work is never done.

It’s not easy to be a conservative, or sell its benefits to an ignorant, but it is rewarding when we are successful.

It’s easy to be socialist, but it’s damaging to the human spirit. We must fight these tendencies wherever we see them.

We must continue to be this country’s sentinels, making sure the founding principles are held sacrosanct, and that includes being vigilant in keeping an eye on president Trump. I mean no disrespect, and I’m not at all pessimistic about this incoming administration, I am a healthy cynic, as we should all be. That is our role.





71 Comments on MAKE NOTE: Where were you when Donald J. Trump became president?

  1. Today is so far epic. Not only did we finally get rid of Zer0, but a buddy called me at 9:45 to inform me the brewery had a limited bottle release. 65 bottles of 3 different flavors. I got one of all 3, 2 from the larger batch and had one beer while there. When I got home, I had some breakfast and watched the beginning of a new era!

  2. I’m sitting here on Cloud #9. Was that a speech or was that a speech?!!! Whether we like it or not (and we will), Trump is going to tell America the TRUTH for the next 4 years. I think I can handle that!!

  3. Watching on TV. Within one minute, I went outside and ran a brand new, 5×8 American flag up my cleaned and freshly painted flagpole. For eight years, I have not flown an American flag because I refused to defile our flag while an America-hating, commie, Muslim jihadist supporting, POS like Obama was in the White House. God bless America!

  4. Here! I took the day off to spend the day with Fox News and iOTW. Made a pot of coffee and made butterscotch oatmeal cookies (they match the color of Trump’s hair!).

    Hugs to everyone at iOTW! I love you guys. 💕🇺🇸💕

  5. Happy Birthday IOTW!!

    To think I first found your site when the JourOlisters were caught, and you guys had all their photos up. I laughed so hard at the comments … I was hooked. I never left. 🙂

  6. butterscotch oatmeal cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not working. Just watching an historical change 🙂

    /saw an asshole go down in flames about an hour and a half ago

  7. Outdoors all morning tending to livestock chores. Been tending livestock these past eight years in an economic revolt that would make John Galt proud. Have NOT flown the American flag exactly as Hambone described.

  8. Here at America-loving IOTWR. Happy Birthday!

    Enjoyed seeing slick Willie’s down-turned mouth the whole ceremony. It’s time for him to join FDR in Hell.
    Schmuck Tumor, the crowd liked him as little as I did.

  9. I was here at home watching the TV (very rare for me) (TV that is) and I was just thinking every time Jesus’ or Gods’ name was spoken I swear I could hear the popcorn of liberal heads exploding.

  10. Walking a couple of dogs on the ocean bluffs in the wind, rain and mud, but it didn’t bother me because: President Donald J. Trump!!!!!

    Also started the new era right by schooling a lib who was sooooo sad that our new president has….gasp!…has been married three times! The horror! I laughed at her and reminded her of what BJ did in the WH.

  11. Inspecting a building to start a Skunk catching job.

    A skill that could come in handy at getting leftover Dems out of their bureaucratic positions.

    You want them caught live, sir, or just “Gone. And don’t ask questions.”?

  12. Here and watching it on Fox. I will echo others that I cannot thank you enough for having IOTW for us to congregate and be mostly like minded. Happy Birthday (though I found you after the gulf oil spill so it was 2010–I wish I knew who it was who linked to your site from a comment I think on Drudge).
    Happy Birthday Kelly Anne Conway and Nikki Haley as well.

  13. Somebody pinch me. Did we just survive the worst eight years in our history? That’s been the issue all along.

    Hat’s off to everyone who refused to give in to the socialist agenda. The fight’s not over – but now we have our TRUMPet !

  14. Holding down the fort as usual,said some prayers this morning,got up for IOTW. Happy B-Day. I can’t remember
    how long I have been here.Just know that it’s great an you guys all keep me sane. Thanks.

    annie Go Trump

  15. At work & here.

    Happy Birthday to everyone at IOTW, both staff and commentary.
    If I had to list the few good things that came out of the last 8 years, I would say IOTW et al. are way up in the tippytopten.

  16. I was on the phone in my office, talking with a client, while we both watched livestream news, chortling with glee as our best President since Ronald Reagan was sworn in.

  17. I took the day off. Was on the couch with my hubby watching every moment but we stood up when that sweet young woman sang the national anthem. So very happy!

    ….-no Happy Birthday iota!

  18. At work, but I managed to listen to the ceremony on the radio. At home now (early, yay!). Going to expose a rib eye to just enough heat to say I cooked it, have a drink and watch the video of the inauguration, then sleep like a baby tonight.

    Cheers, all! And Happy Birthday to our hosts!

  19. “What a long strange trip it’s been …”
    Aaron Burr
    Greetings from Yonkers
    So many others …

    Sorta like waking up from a feverish nightmare …

    izlamo delenda est …

  20. I was in our legal conference room at work. I used my PC to livestream CSPAN and project onto to the screen. Who knows how many policies and rules I broke – and who cares!
    Twelve of us watched while we ate lunch.
    Somebody commented that hitlery looked like she was even puffier than before the election and wondered what would have caused it.
    I said “scotch”. Everyone fell on the floor, laughing…

  21. I spent the day working.
    And looking forward to Donald J. Trump to re-direct more of the wealth I pay in taxes to things that will make America great again and far less of it to the the world’s largest collection of worthless, uneducated, uninformed, unemployed, barely aware, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, dope-smoking, free-stuff-grabbing, no morals, media-influenced & enabled, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying parasites who won’t buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn’t rhyme!

  22. What a day………… Did a little work, watched the inaugural, got to fly the Stars & Strips again after 8 years, had a cheese burger, walked the dog and topped it off with a trip to the gun range. By the the way, the wife did real good with her little hammerless S&W revolver, laser sited 38, that Santa brought. Even with all that, the best part of the day was knowing that Obama was finally delivered his comeuppance.
    Happy Birthday IOTW and thank you for giving us a place to get real news.
    MAGA – Go Trump

  23. At work with no internet, TV or radio. But my heart sang all day. I was doing some training and at 11am CT, I let everyone leave for break early and sat down and almost cried. But I was smiling!

    My one conservative friend in the whole company (that I know) was there and we just kept smiling at each other and once I giggled.

    Listened to Joe Pags radio show on the way home in the car. I think I whooped a few times.

    iOTWr is the absolute best site ever on the internet. I can’t live without you guys!

  24. I was in and out of iOTW, then after President Trump was safely sworn in, my adorable deplorable 3 year old grandson came to visit, and I set it all aside to spend a few hours with him. We built Trump walls with his blocks, and blew up balloons and let them fly around the room. I am filled with such relief and thankfulness to God that now my grandson and my 17 year old granddaughter, as well as our three grown children, have a more hopeful and brighter future! I know most parents and grandparents are feeling the same way.

    Happy birthday iOTW, thanks BFH and staff, and faithful followers of iOTW, for some great years of enlightenment, entertainment and encouragement during these disturbing times. You’ve helped us all to keep our sanity and sense of humor. You’re ALL a bunch of adorable deplorables to me!

  25. BTW I noticed Michelle’s gaudy earrings had no sparkle. I expected her to be dressed in gaudy upholstery fabric, surprised.

    Right now on Fox there are Irish dancers on stage at the Freedom Ball, but they have been silenced so a talking head can blather. I wanted to enjoy the Ball too. sheesh!

  26. i was standing at attention in my living room, as befits an army brat…..immediately after listening to his speech, i took to my old maple tree, and removed all those red, white, blue, and yellow ribbons that have been degraded into crap over the last eight years, and replaced them with brand spanky new red white and blue ribbons, leaving out the yellow….because the donald has nothing YELLOW about him, and also because the yellow ribbon has come to represent “bring them home” whether their mission is accomplished or not…..

    i live in a tiny little hollow in west virginia….whilst i was putting up my new ribbons, i got three honks from neighbors going up or down the road….these people normally just wave…..

    i also “broke,” or at least temporarily disabled two staple guns….couldn’t figger out how to reload the first one, refilled the second one fine, but it still wouldn’t work…and then i ended up using the most dangerous “STAPLE HAMMER,” which is pretty darn dangerous if you have to staple something within inches of your fingers…..

    i got it done…….afterwards, when i looked at my wonderful new red white and blue ribbons around my old maple tree…..i noticed that it kinda has a kinda sorta confederate flag look to it…….which i had not planned in advance…..basically because i had no plan in advance, i just went out and stapled the ribbons on as my soul guided me……

    i hope i can find some “before” pictures…..after picture will be essy…..

    what can i say?….i’m old, and don’t think of these things..

    i brought the old ribbons in a garbage bag into the kitchen – our kitten, an “inside cat,” had a tremendous good time investigating the outside smells, and scattered the remains all over the floor……even little kittens can enjoy the exit of those despicable persons who have occupied our house, all this time…..

    the meesters chuckie – aka my husband – could only listen to the radio, and thought all hell had broke loose when the cannons went off….but since the radio people just kept talking like nothing bad had happened, his heart started beating again……

    Bless God, we have a decent chance at getting our country back!!!!!


  27. oh, and by the way……

    mr Big Fur Hat… many times did i see you in that parade????

    seems like you were in just about every military band, and half the civilian ones…..

    just sayin’…..

  28. I slept through it, just like I do through a powerful thunderstorm.
    And woke up to a great day, fresh, clean, air. The Americans are in charge again.

    Missed you guys.

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