Make Them Famous — 3 Jerks Who Support Hamas – IOTW Report

Make Them Famous — 3 Jerks Who Support Hamas

20 Comments on Make Them Famous — 3 Jerks Who Support Hamas

  1. Dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, Xanax-disabled, brainwashed mindless morons.

  2. The amount of Israel-bashing is very disappointing, as well as astounding.

    But I believe the vast, and silent, majority in America support Israel. I am not Jewish, but boy I have a dog in this fight between Israel and the rabid Hamas terrorists.

    The world has dealt out way too much cruelty to the Jewish people, going back at least to the Roman occupation of Judea, a lot of it out of jealousy for their intellectual (Science, medicine, mathematics, etc., etc.,) and creative skills, and for making wealth starting from nothing except their brainpower. Thus, we have the creation of Israel.

    Its enemies are being taught a lesson right now that they should never ever forget: get along or die.

  3. If not for liberal Jews in the media, Hollywood, and Academia, lesbians would not be tolerated. These clueless, ungrateful lesbians oppose Jews. The Koran says to throw homos off the roofs of the tallest buildings on town. They support Islam. We know who they voted for. They’re most likely government employees, probably teachers.

  4. The three of them were living out the terrorist’s acts vicariously. I guarandamntee it. They, like all progs, are completely invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  5. There’s only one reason they tore the signs down – and everyone knows why.

    Just admit it and he’d go away (after some additional pointed comments). Hiding the obvious implies either a feeling of guilt or a pointless attempt at not providing the accusor with any satisfaction. The latter is most likely.

    I hope he waited until they were gone before putting more signs up.


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