Making a Difference – IOTW Report

Making a Difference


Shrillary yells that Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals —>

13 Comments on Making a Difference

  1. But FBI director comey insists that if you jeopardize National Security resulting in the Death of Americans and Iranians, that it’s just carelessness. If Hillary’s incompetence got some of his FBI lap dog agents killed, would he come to the same conclusion?
    Comey is no less the traitor, he betrayed Justice.

  2. Obama wanted the guy dead, because he was a threat to The Big Effing Iran Deal. What better way to keep his hands clean than let Hillary spill the beans and watch nature take its course?

    Didi I say Obama? I meant ValJar.

  3. Negligence and Incompetence, my ass.

    The purpose of the unsecured personal servers was to allow unrestricted and untraceable access by Valerie Jarrett’s, Huma Abedin’s, and Cheryl Mills’ nefarious contacts in the nether world of the NSA, Moslem Brotherhood, and ISIS as well as the foreign services of nations making “donations” to the Clinton Foundation.

    This can only be categorized as “negligent” and/or “incompetent” in a time of Universal Deceit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Cato,

    “If Hillary’s incompetence got some of his FBI lap dog agents killed, would he come to the same conclusion? Comey is no less the traitor, he betrayed Justice.”

    Remember the “deal” that Vito Corleone offered to the bandleader to let his godson out of the contract? The more time goes on, the more convinced I am that that’s the deal offered to those who reach the inner circles of power. They cross a line they’re not allowed to reverse course on, so the choice is simple: go along and the gov’t and its cronies will make you richer than you ever would have been otherwise…but try to cross us on the agenda and your brains end up leaking out into a public park and it’ll officially be ruled a suicide.

    For me, that explains so much of what we see these days, especially on the (R) side. Honeytrapped, bought off, however it happens initially…once it happens, they hold the proof so they own you body and soul.

  5. Of course there’s also those who seek power for its own sake, and buy in from the get-go without needing to be compromised and threatened. That explains many on the Left.

  6. Comey knew all of Hillary’s public statements, “I did not send or receive any classified information; I turned over all email to the State Department.” Given that Comey knew Hillary lied, repeatedly, to the American People, why on earth would he assume she was telling the truth that the 30,000 emails she deleted, and deleted in such a way that they could never be recovered, were only about yoga and Chelsea’s wedding?

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