Making a kid’s day – IOTW Report

Making a kid’s day

Construction worker fills a kid’s toy dump truck…

16 Comments on Making a kid’s day

  1. construction workers love doin’ that stuff … good skill w/ the scoop, btw

    reminds me of the old joke where a mom was having just enough of little Nimrod’s pestering & tearing up the house. she suggested he go over to the construction site across the street & watch them & come back when they go home after work & tell her all about it
    so, later that afternoon the kid comes back & mom asks him what he learned, he says, “well first you measure out the fuckin’ bricks, then find you ain’t got enough G*d damned mortar. then you find the fuckin’ carpenters ain’t got one decent wood butcher among them to drive a straight fuckin’ nail, then the concrete finisher are dog shit, the plumber don’t know fuckin’ hot from fuckin’ cold & all the rodmen want to do is knock off & go to the titty bar”
    the mother is flummoxed … she yells to Nimrod that that sort of language will not be tolerated in this house & yells for Nimrod to go out to the yard & find her a switch so she use it on him

    … he replies, “fuck you, that’s the electrician’s job”

  2. Pretty handy the guy had an articulating bucket. Good for him. It was also good to see well behaved kids. They didn’t run out to get his attention, and once he went back to fill their trucks they stayed right where they were expected to be. That’s two thumbs up for all of them.

  3. @Answerman Cooper May 20, 2020 at 11:28 pm

    > Not a Karen in sight. Awesome.

    Sad, it really has come to that.

    But, stiff upper lip. Straighten that bowtie.

    At least we don’t keep the ones with indoor plumbing locked indoors. And throw the ones with outdoor plumbing from the rooftops. Damn, filthy, Mussulmans.

  4. Mr. President Trump,
    Request from Engineering
    RE: Motor Plant Mask Parade
    Could you do the Tour in our Avatar Exoskelton?
    My boys sure would like that.
    Antigrav Boots plus that hat.
    Chief Master Chiefmaster
    Fully concur if deemed not Best Yet prior to 2024 release.
    More Power, at you.
    As Always, with you.

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