Making A Murderer Documentary Filmmakers Have Made a Felon – IOTW Report

Making A Murderer Documentary Filmmakers Have Made a Felon

The ridiculous documentary, Making a Murderer, about a guilty-as-sin creepola, painted as innocent, has manipulated some dope into making a bomb threat unless “justice for Steven Avery is carried out.”

The threat turned up no bombs.

There is a responsibility attached to propaganda filmmaking. I blame them, the Columbia University makers of this hit-piece, for inciting an impressionable doofus into believing that this excrement, known as Steven Avery, has been railroaded.

Circumstantial Evidence:

A woman who worked for the Auto Trader was creeped out by the pudgy, slob pervert, Steven Avery. She didn’t want to go to his property any longer to take pictures of his cars because he would answer the door in just a towel.

Avery called the Auto Trader and requested the same woman, but booked it as if it was his sister making the call.

The woman went on the job and was never seen again.

Her immolated body was found on Avery’s property in 2 separate locations. Her personal belongings were dropped in a fire barrel right outside his bedroom.

Her car was found hidden on his property, with Avery’s “sweat DNA” (samples the authorities did not have, which refutes “planting of evidence) found on the underside latch of the hood of her car.

A family member testified that the last time he saw the woman she was walking towards Avery’s trailer.

Avery originally told authorities the victim never showed up. Obviously she did.

I can end my case with this undisputed evidence. None of what I have stated is untrue.

Character Evidence:

Avery once doused his cat in gasoline and through it in a bonfire at a party to “see what it would be like.”

Avery’s ex-wife characterized him as a monster who beat and strangled her- A Jekyll and Hyde type.

Avery’s fiancee has distanced herself from the documentary, saying she was threatened into making positive statements, and believes Avery is the killer. During the documentary she high-tailed it out of the picture. She says that in the past Avery threatened to kill her by electrocuting her in the bathtub and he’d get away with it. She once ate rat poison so she’d be sent to the hospital just to get away from him.

Avery once waited roadside for his cousin to drive by and as she passed he stepped out with an erection and masturbated in front of her.

Avery was convicted of burglary and has a 70 IQ.

Dumb and mean is a bad combo.

Evidence that supporters say is planted:

The victim’s car keys in Avery’s bedroom.

Avery’s sweat DNA on keys.

Shell casings from his gun in the garage.

DNA of victim on bullet found in garage.

Bullet was linked to Avery’s gun.

Avery’s blood in victim’s car. (Avery had a huge cut on his knuckle.) ((No preservative found in Avery blood found in car- which means it was not from blood vial possessed by authorities.))

Confession By Cousin:

Avery’s 60 IQ cousin confessed to the rape and murder charge and gave details to authorities that panned out. These were things that the cousin would never have known about unless involved.

He said Avery burnt the body with tires. Steel belts were found intwined in victim’s bones.

He said victim was chained to the bed for the raping. Chains were found in the Avery home. Avery said it was for sex play with fiancee. Fiancee said she didn’t know about the chains.

The cousin said he helped clean up evidence in the garage with bleach. The cousin’s mother said she remembers that day he came home in bleach-stained jeans.


How easily are uncritical thinkers manipulated into ridiculous beliefs?

The filmmakers are responsible for creating these unhinged activists.






7 Comments on Making A Murderer Documentary Filmmakers Have Made a Felon

  1. I’ve got more than a few CheeseHead friends, and they are PISSED about this mockery of a “documentary”.

    If you took this swill at face value, you could only come away believing that every single person in Manitowac, Wisconsin is a sloped-foreheaded, butt-picking, finger-sniffing, window-licking, sister-screwing, booger-chomping inbred knuckledragging alcoholic wife-beating member of the Avery clan, or an Avery cousin, or a victim of the Averys. Who are married to other Averys.

    It seriously makes you never want to visit the state again.

  2. C’mon Chief…Wisconsin has plenty of cool things to offer. You’ll find that for the most part people here have pretty good values and are hard working, unless you are in either Dane or Milwaukee counties, then all bets are off.

  3. Isn’t a bomb threat without a bomb, sorta like Bernie Sanders attempting economics?

    Doing math without a brain?

    Like trying to get the dog to recite Shakespeare’s Sonnets from memory?

    Like HRC trying to tell the truth about something … anything?

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