Making sense of the news about Sidney Powell – IOTW Report

Making sense of the news about Sidney Powell

If Powell represents the campaign, the government regulates individual donations.  If she’s apart from the campaign, things are less constrained.

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

You probably already know that Trump’s legal team announced that Sidney Powell is not a team member.  The brief statement leaves unanswered the most important question: “Why?”  Absent solid information, speculation leads us either to “This is the beginning of the end” or “This is all part of the plan” — and I’m leaning to the latter.

Events happened with head-spinning speed.  On Thursday, Trump’s legal team held a press conference.  Rudy Giuliani talked about traditional voter fraud (cemetery voters, faked ballots, etc.); Sidney Powell talked about corrupt, or corruptible, election software, a familiar topic to the State of TexasNPR, and MSNBC; and Jenna Ellison reminded the press that the conference was not an evidentiary hearing but was, instead, an opening statement.


SNIP: h/t Petrus-


I agree with the campaign’s statement that I am not part of the campaign’s legal team. I never signed a retainer agreement or sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses or fees. 
 My intent has always been to expose all the fraud I could find and let the chips fall where they may–whether it be upon Republicans or Democrats. 
 The evidence I’m compiling is overwhelming that this software tool was used to shift millions of votes from President Trump and other Republican candidates to Biden and other Democrat candidates.  We are proceeding to prepare our lawsuit and plan to file it this week.  It will be epic. 
We will not allow this great Republic to be stolen by communists from without and within or our votes altered or manipulated by foreign actors in Hong Kong, Iran, Venezuela, or Serbia, for example, who have neither regard for human life nor the people who are the engine of this exceptional country. 
 #WeThePeople elected Donald Trump and other Republican candidates to restore the vision of America as a place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   
 You may assist this effort by making a non tax-deductible contribution to  #KrakenOnSteroids”
Sidney Powell

20 Comments on Making sense of the news about Sidney Powell

  1. Sadly that is exactly correct, no one knows if it is possible to prove the fraud needed particularly with the time constraint. And the dems knew in this case the seriousness of the charge doesn’t matter when they have the media and big tech covering for them. Apparently the RNC and most republicans are also salivating to rid themselves of Trump and take over his base’s voter data and votes which they don’t understand is never going to happen.

  2. I’m treating a lot this “news” as chaff. I have no knowledge of the details, but I do know that the Media and their flying monkeys are going to throw as much doubt, confusion and mud as they can at the process as well as taking personal shots at the good people who are doing the Yeoman’s work of pursuing this fraud on the American people. Just let it play out.

  3. My take: It’s okay for a private lawyer to accuse foreign governments of acts against the U.S. It is not okay for the President’s lawyer to do the same, they are official representatives.

    Sidney is alleging foreign interference in an American election, which is “let’s go to war” kinda stuff. It’s okay if she says it.

  4. Everyone could send$5 or $10 bucks to help this happen. We both did.

    Also make up your mind to call the offices of Romney, Toomey and all the other weasels to let them know you are not happy with their cowardly actions!
    Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR)
    Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH)
    Sen Lisa Murkowski (-AK)
    Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
    Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)
    Sen. Susan Collins (R?-ME)
    Chris Christie (Weasel-NJ)

  5. I had to be in the car this morning and the local establishment Republican apologetic radio station host, John Carlson, was tying himself in knots trying to make it sound like there is absolutely nothing to this Georgia allegation and that Sydney Powell is a loose cannon. Experience leads me to believe that the establishment Republicans are up to their necks in this election fraud.

  6. One of two things are true: A highly respected and solid legal practitioner has gone stark raving mad or she’s telling the truth.

    Which do you think is the more likely?

  7. All of this has been leaving me feeling decidedly chuffed, as to what sort of chuffed is up to you to decide.

    I’m just standing by my username as an accurate description of myself currently.


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