Making the Case That Vaccines Are Accelerating the Spread of Covid – IOTW Report

Making the Case That Vaccines Are Accelerating the Spread of Covid



The current surge in Covid deaths is caused by the vaccinated.

The Covid vaccines are extremely leaky and may well accelerate contracting and carrying Covid.

They allow for very high viral loads to go unnoticed and generate a new and severe asymptomatic spread vector to where none existed before.

The high viral loads lead to greater contagion. they may lead to greater severity (but this data is iffy and contested).

Vaccine campaigns cause superspread events because vaccination leads to a 2 week window of 40-100% more covid risk that then gets counted as “unvaccinated” because the definitions are bad.

This combination makes those vaccinated with one dose or more into superspread bombs.

Perversely, if the vaccinated comprise a spread vector that accelerates deaths in the unvaccinated, that would make it look like vaccines work.

Ouch. (Told you you weren’t going to like it).


22 Comments on Making the Case That Vaccines Are Accelerating the Spread of Covid

  1. Yes, all this is true. What to do?
    #1 dont get on the v@x merry go round
    #2 Eat less junk, reduce your sugar intake, esp avoid corn syrup anything.
    #3 Try and walk around, get some sunshine, air, excercise.
    #4 For sure take vitamins and minerals, esp vit D3, and mulit mineral drops.
    #5, carry around 500 ppm silver drops. THIS works. When you are out around those carriers, mask or not, you will feel the crap attack the back of your throat. Squirt 1/2 eyedropper down your throat, and you will feel the bugs dying.

  2. All of that fits what nurses report and those I’ve known who weren’t jabbed and caught “covid.” They either lived with a jabbed person or worked closely with jabbed people.
    It’s why I avoid those jabbed as much as possible, even those I suspect got placebos.
    I know now I have antibodies, so I can tell you they are good for at least almost 2 years. I had it in January into February 2020. I still though don’t trust what they’re shedding due to the one time in the waiting room being around several and then having issues afterwards.

  3. I do think there is plenty of evidence that all of the social distancing, masks and hand washing has accomplished what politicians were hoping would happen… that this crisis would be stretched out so that they could milk it for everything it’s worth! Meanwhile what happened in Afghanistan and what is happening right now on our Southern border shoots a BIG hole in all their so-called “science”!

  4. The bull$hit never ends.
    Last night ALL the paid propaganda spreaders (Kimmel, Colbert, Corden) were back on the global warming fake news. They even drug Greta out to read her script.

  5. Look at the previous virus threats to the world, spanish flu, h1n1, h2n1, h3n1, mers, avian flus, etc,etc.

    They all died out and pissed off after about 2 years. Naturally.

    After almost 2 years, the coof is RAMPING.

    What’s different? Is it:

    A) Unvaccinated
    B) Vaccinated

    Choose wisely.

  6. “MAY”..

    Sounds like the intro to all your favorite stories on global warming…

    And suddenly it becomes fact…

    Thanks for playing into your already fertile paranoid minds…

    I’m old enough to remember when conservatives accused liberals of raw emotionalism

  7. @Old racist white woman:
    If you have had covid and do have natural immunity, that will last a lifetime as long as your system works the way it was designed. T-Cell memory doesn’t go away. These cells control the antibody production. Using logic and pre covid science, I was able to get a public health officer to admit this after I contracted the goop.

  8. I call Bullshit on the Vaccinated spreading the virus! I’m vaxxed and work with a bunch that aren’t.. none of them have EVER CAUGHT covid from me…. The Lie’s are being told on Both Sides to keep you scared!

  9. “Making the Case That Vaccines Are Accelerating the Spread of Covid ”

    It might, but that would be totally illogical as we were told the Jab contains none of the Virus as traditional vaccines do.
    I read an article a couple days ago that Pfizer announced that the Vaxine they are sending to Israel is totally different than the one they use here in the US. WTF!!!!! How many different versions of the jab do they have. A couple of us here have also read that they are delivering Placebos to the general public. Kind of makes you wonder what good that vax card is. Why are all the illnesses and deaths related to the jab seem to be occurring in depressed social economic areas?
    Why is there no consideration given to pre existing conditions and the jab.
    Like I’ve posted before, my wife and I got the jab and we know a ton of people that have received it. Not one side effect. All white upper income, yada yada.
    That hospital that was featured in Project Veritas first installment was on an Indian Reservation.
    Something is really wrong here, as we all know. We are seriously being fucked with.

  10. @lasvegasbrad: First sign in your throat, hit it with Banadyne, a good mouthwash (Listerine), or peroxide will kill the virus in your throat. Gargle with it, spit it out, do not swallow any of it.

  11. @Brad: That’s quite an eye opener to the link you posted above. I got to thinking, did the Jewish people not learn anything from their history, especially during WWII. They were all forced into the exterminator jab – some of them 2-3 times. Maybe this is why Pelosi isn’t funding the Dome, she doesn’t expect too many Jewish people to be around so no need to fund it.

  12. Brad it really isn’t, because I have family all over the country and know many other people all across the country in our racing circles, deaths and injuries are happening in upper class, middle class and lower class areas. It’s happening in cities and rural areas.
    My daughter and I were discussing this the other day and both of us are of the opinion if you have no issues, it’s likely you got a placebo. I think that’s why they wanted the boosters so bad as so many of the earlier ones were placebo.
    A new one I seen the other day was a man who got it because he works in administration for an ambulance service and was told he must. He’s not sick but he doesn’t seem all there anymore. He’s known my husband for a few years, yet he didn’t even remember him. We had ordered some stuff from their kids’ school fundraiser and he couldn’t even add up the total.

    Something else I’ve wondered about if not placebos, maybe different amounts of ingredients in different vials?

    The problem is no matter what they do the companies won’t be held responsible and the government won’t be held responsible, you can’t even go through the normal process of vaccine injuries because they’re experimental.

  13. That’s EXACTLY what’s going on.

    AS ONE DOCTOR PUT IT, “There will not be enough Greek letters in the alphabet to name all the mutations caused by the vaccinated” (which they also do not have protection from.

    Stay healthy. Stay trim. Get your daily Vitamin D3.


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