Makmuhd’s Military Menagerie – IOTW Report

Makmuhd’s Military Menagerie

You’ll find low, low prices at the Afghan Fire Sale Blowout! Watch

10 Comments on Makmuhd’s Military Menagerie

  1. I was talking to my daughter in Nashville this afternoon and she told me a friend of hers who is her boy friend who is a US Army Afghanistan veteran was offered a job paying $1500 a day for 90 days (which is worth $135,000) to be a contractor in Afghanistan to get American citizens out of that shithole of a country. He turned them down, good for him, now he can marry his girlfriend and not worry about getting killed as a contractor in that clusterfuck of a big mess over there.

  2. someone needs to do a vid about Crazy Joe’s Warehouse Sale!

    Everything Must Go!
    No Price Too Low!
    We Got Guns! Ammo! Parts! Supplies! Humvees! Rocket Launchers!
    Hell, We Even Got Helicopters & Drones!!!!
    Come On Down To Crazy Joe’s!


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