Malarkeynomics – IOTW Report


Washington Examiner

For starters, the claim that Biden has built an economy that grows “from the middle out and the bottom up” is not accurate. For 26 months in a row, inflation has outpaced wage growth. This means that while nominal wages have indeed risen, real wages have fallen. Consequently, since Biden took office, real wages are down 5%, resulting in the average worker losing almost $5,000 in real wages, according to the House Budget Committee.

The inflation that led to the decline in real wages is primarily the fault of the Federal Reserve, which increased the money supply as measured by M2 by 41% between February 2020 and February 2022. However, it was helped along by congressional Democrats and Republicans through several big-dollar spending bills in 2020. Then, once Biden took office and inflation began almost immediately, he pushed yet more multi-trillion-dollar packages which were almost exclusively supported by his party. The subsequent inflation hurt low and middle-income households the most. More

6 Comments on Malarkeynomics

  1. Jackass Joe’s economy is built on caissons made of 50gal drums full of BULLSHIT stacked a mile high!

    …. just whut you’d expect from a complete Asshole!!

  2. When addressing the liberal agenda;

    ‘Malarkeynomics’ is WAY too polite;

    The dems are much more HORSHITY, LYING,DECEITFUL, INSINCERE, LAST MAN STANDING, ‘TOUGH-SHIT FOR YOU’ SUCKER type of underhanded, ‘fuck you when I can’ type of worthless, despicable Satan loving, American hating fuck-faces.

  3. It was idiot Joe’s war on energy from day one that got the ball rolling for inflation. Raise the price on energy and you raise the price on everything. After that came the Democrat spend spend spend.

    Too many dollars chasing too few goods.


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