Malia Crashes- Driven Away in Golf Cart By, Apparently, the Ghost of Slappy White – IOTW Report

Malia Crashes- Driven Away in Golf Cart By, Apparently, the Ghost of Slappy White

ht/ all too much

38 Comments on Malia Crashes- Driven Away in Golf Cart By, Apparently, the Ghost of Slappy White

  1. Malaria hits the real world and finds out that much, MUCH MORE people hate Barack and Mooch than she ever imagined. So now we’re watching a car crash. Pass the bong. 😎

  2. An Obama political dynasty grows less likely by the day. Still gotta keep and eye on the younger one, though. Say, when do classes start at Harvard? Looks like the dorms open on August 22nd. That’s gonna be a fun day for Malia as she gets to watch the press swoon over daddy’s new jeans. She must hate him by now.

  3. Isn’t she the one hanging out with the Hollywood crowd? I think there was something about her being in that Lena Dunham show? I really want to feel sorry for her…

    BTW, that is one scary looking driver!!!

  4. The crab apple doesn’t fall too far from the crack ‘ho Tree.

    Her alleged Father is a choom puffing crack addict and her alleged female Motha is a booze guzzling Sasquatch.

    This girl never had a chance and she and her sister still do not look at all like the spawn of Bareback and Moochelle.

  5. The Mooche and Barry approve of her behavior. It is after all a good reflection of just who the Obummers are. The kid is no longer off limits now, so report away media.

  6. I feel sorry for the kids of any President regardless of how good or bad he was. They will have been raised in priviledge and some of that atitude will stick regardless of how their father tries to give them a “normal” life. Anytime the kid ties one on (and who among all of us hasn’t gotten loaded and done something stupid) low-life like TMZ will be there to capture it on film to ensure that millions of people see it. Having said that, I think it would be advantageous for them to realize this and whether they like it or not adjust their behaviour accordingly. They’re old enough now to understand that and while unfair as it is it’s a choice they have to make. The Bush kids had to make it but oddly enough I’m not sure Chelsea did. It looks like they left her alone. Could have been the times.

  7. “If Slappy did this routine today, he’d be swarmed by SJW’s!”

    I think it was in the 80’s Cheech and Chong did a routine called Faggory on the High Seas. Try and find that on the internet.

  8. Malia is old enough to be accountable for her own actions. If she’s turned out to be a stupid, spoiled lunatic, well, that’s on her despot piss poor parents, Bar-rack and Me-shell Obama.
    BTW, hillarious Slappy White reference. Spot on.

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