Malia Gone Wild – IOTW Report

Malia Gone Wild

This is Malia at Lollapalooza, the event she went to after deciding to skip the “historic” Hillary Clinton acceptance speech.

There’s only so much historicness a girl can take. And she’s probably not going to be as proud of her country when her dad isn’t president.

I’m not so sure this is a wise way to act when you’re the first daughter.

It’s pretty lewd.Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 12.17.00 AM


Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 12.29.18 AM Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 12.28.26 AM

See video.


36 Comments on Malia Gone Wild

  1. A lot of copies of that video. Let’s see how long it takes to get them deleted.
    Anyone notice the chubby out of place SS guy behind her staring down one of her friends in the crowd? lol

  2. Not bright, Runs in the family, obama’s has shown his ass for over 7 1/2 years.
    Just think little Malia will have her very own obama foundation paid for by Corporations, Saudis, Iranians and Abu Dhabi one day. The elite Lap of luxury through corruption, protected by The not so secret Secret Service, the not so professional FBI and the unequal justice of the DOJ.
    Is America Great or what?

  3. Woah. 6 full seconds of lame. Must be hard to get footage of anything on the kids. Or they are angels 99.9% of the time.

    Suddenly glad my now adult conservative sons weren’t videoed 24/7 while they grew up. They did some stupid shit along the way and needed many course corrections to get where they are now.

  4. She’s walking in the steps of Barry’s dead mother. A slut, and she’ll have an abortion by the time she goes to college. The whole family will be proud.

  5. The point is being lost.
    This is where she went while the historicness of Hillary’s nomination was taking place.
    I’m positive this pissed Michelle and Barry off.
    Then she DOES THIS??

    Ya, and we’re supposed to “ignore it.”

    We have a terrible army.

    The narrative is – Hillary is a yawner, nothing to see at this convention.
    Maila’s ass is more compelling than Bill’s ass on convention night.

    An additional narrative is while Hillary is fighting for equality and shattering that glass ceiling, Malia is twerking for the guys up on stage.
    The feminists must simply LOVE IT, right?

    But let’s not even poke this hornet’s nest.
    I should have given them a free pass and not posted it.

  6. No, Fur I’m glad you did. It is part of this whole sale fraud we are witnessing. This Khan guy is being trotted out everywhere this morning, but Maila isn’t present as the glass ceiling is finally not just broken, but shattered?

    She’s showing her ass to the world saying ‘I’m untouchable’ after being given everything that America’s silver platter could not afford.

    My good friend sacrificed a lot to put her daughter though SF, but the rest of us sacrifice to put this little ungrateful spawn through the same institution.

    Go TRUMP!

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