Malia Obama expresses that president Trump is “evil” on her secret Facebook page – IOTW Report

Malia Obama expresses that president Trump is “evil” on her secret Facebook page

Well, the speculation is over about the tall, skinny Obama daughter’s political feelings.


Malia Obama described President Trump as ‘evil’ on a secret Facebook page where she exchanges messages friends including Joe Biden’s granddaughter, can reveal.

The Facebook page operates under a pseudonym and does not appear to have been publicly updated since 2017.

Its cover photograph is of a row of pink post-it notes which read: ‘Donald Trump is President,’ ‘This is not normal’, ‘Donald Trump is evil’ and ‘Don’t be complacent.’

Among the comments written beneath the photograph is one by Biden’s 20-year-old granddaughter Finnegan.

She said: ‘Never saw this. I like it.’


ht/ dee

32 Comments on Malia Obama expresses that president Trump is “evil” on her secret Facebook page

  1. No darling.
    Unleashing the federal government against your own citizens is evil.
    Giving billions of dollars to our terrorist enemy for their nuclear program is evil.
    Running guns to mexican drug cartels, guns used against our border agents is evil.
    Conducting secret ops in Libya and then abandoning your ambassador and the security detail to die is evil.
    Embedding thousand of illegals in communities across the nation against the consent of the locals is evil.
    Stealing Americans healthcare and nationalizing it is evil.

    Should I go on, sweetheart?

  2. @ Goldenfoxx

    There’s no way Bitchelle would have permitted her child to be born on July 4th. Hating America as she does, she would have kept her legs crossed until the 5th or pushed the head back in for another 24 hours.

    I call BS on the whole damn “family.”

  3. Shouldn’t be coming as a surprise to anyone. Trump is busy undoing the damage that her father caused the country in his quest to ruin America. As for her going to Harvard I wonder if she’s getting the same “no fail” deal her daddy got. Probably doesn’t matter as I suspect she’ll just end up another drug addled quasi-celebrity cockholster, kind of like her old man when you think about it.

  4. Raisedd by a vain, undertalented, deluded criminal gay man, and an equally vain,deluded undertalented gorilla (though it can talk) – what else to expect.

    Just look at chelsea clinton.

  5. She’s just miffed that Fauxahontas devalued her Harvard degree to lukewarm shit.
    If she had gone to Princeton, she could’ve blamed her ‘mother’, the silverback.

  6. Malaria O'(fucking)Bama isn’t even a real person…she and Sausage O'(fucking)bama were made up. I hop their got their SAG cards punched for their time on the job!


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