‘Malicious and vindictive’: Woman says HOA towed late husband’s cars as she planned funeral – IOTW Report

‘Malicious and vindictive’: Woman says HOA towed late husband’s cars as she planned funeral

HOA NAZIS???? No way.


The last thing on her mind was Richard’s cars in the parking lot.

The couple had lived at the Plantation Racquet Club on Broward Boulevard for 20 years. Richard used to be the security guard there.

“There was no need for this, none whatsoever,” Cousley said. “Imagine you wake up on the morning of your husband’s funeral and the cars are gone.”

Richard’s two black Dodge Chargers were towed by his homeowner’s association. They are at All County Towing and were accruing hundreds of dollars in fees that raise daily.

It’s money this teacher’s aide doesn’t have.

Dori says she called her HOA president who she says authorized the tow.

“I was hysterical, crying when I found out his cars were towed,” Cousley said. “She knew he died. She knew we were planning a funeral.”

Cousley said she asked HOA president Susan Seman “how come you towed his cars after everything he’s done for you?”

Seman hung up the phone, she said.

“She didn’t call anyone about anything,” Seman told Local 10 News reporter Jeff Weinsier.

“But you knew he died?” Weinsier asked.

“Sir, how many times do I have to answer that question for you? I heard rumors around the property,” Seman said.

State records show Susan Seman, or “Sam” as she’s known, is the condo president.

“I can’t talk to you any further (other) than to tell you the friggin’ rules,” Seman said. “She knew them.”

Seman says cars cannot be parked in the same guest spot for over a month. The claim is that Richard’s were.

Cousley said that’s untrue.

“What I think is she has rules for certain people and rules for others,” Cousley said.

Cousley and other residents agree there is selective enforcement. A Honda Prelude in a guest spot has expired tags and cobwebs on the wheels.

Residents we talked to, who refused to go on camera in fear of retaliation, say the car hasn’t moved in months. And Seaman says she walks the lot often.

“If the rules are the same, why hasn’t the Prelude (been moved)?” Weinsier asked Seman.

“I can’t answer that. I have to talk to my security guy,” Seman replied.

There’s also a Chevy Trailblazer in a guest spot with a flat tire. Residents also say it hasn’t moved.

“That one will be taken care of too. All these cars will be taken care of,” Seman said.

Cousley described Seman as a “malicious and vindictive person.”

“(She) has no soul and no heart because no one in their right mind would have done that to anybody,” Cousley said.


14 Comments on ‘Malicious and vindictive’: Woman says HOA towed late husband’s cars as she planned funeral

  1. What kind of petty actions do you expect from someone who has been made fun of her whole life for having the last name “Seman?”

    “These petty actions of yours Seman are really hard to swallow.”

  2. I read that 85% of all new housing developments & practically all townhouse/condo/apartments now have HOA’s before the developments are up. usually the developer & head of the board & then turns it over to the homeowners when about 75/85% of units have sold.

    HOA’s are a big plus for local & county governments in that they don’t have to be concerned w/ maintenance issues w/in the developments, such as road, lawn, structural maintenance … the HOA takes care of that through HOA fees.

    one of the big problems is that realtors do not give buyers the bylaws & rules & regulations of the HOA’s they’re moving in to, such as pet reg’s & parking rules.

    … & the courts, w/ a vested interest in the ‘community’, usually always give the HOA the win (unless there is a flagrant violation of the bylaws/rules & regs by the HOA …. as in NEVER) … & the homeowner pays court costs!
    good luck!

  3. I lived under a HOA for 16 years. It sucked being scrutinized by a room full of Karens for every act I did on MY property while someone down the street of a special “demographic” got away with every imaginable violation.
    I left 21 years ago to MY OWN property with no Karens watching over me. Yes – there are neighbors who don’t manage their property as well as I would like but THAT IS THEIR BUSINESS!!!!

  4. I’m not an overtly violent man (no, really), but I’d make that HOA president’s life a living hell and she’d never understand why her world was turning into $hit and who was behind it. Covert action when coupled with sealed lips are a powerful weapon. You can’t fight back when you don’t know who your enemy is. I won’t tolerate a bully. They deserve to have their life wrecked.

  5. I’ve lived in the country pretty much my entire life, I’ve never understood paying someone to tell me what I can and cannot do on property I own. I’d rather be dead than live in any city or town, city governments’ code enforcers are already a bunch of dead beats who couldn’t make it in private jobs and think somehow they have authority to do whatever they say. Then you add in a HOA, prison sounds better than that shit.

  6. Meanwhile my prog neighbor parks cars on his front lawn and puts trash out any day of the week he wants while animals scavenge it and drag it all over the neighborhood. He also started putting his trash in front of MY property. I went out there and told him to use his own property for that, he said “It’s city property out here, I’ll put it where I want.” Then called the cops on me and accused me of sicking my dog on him that I disproved with security cameras. Yes, I had to prove my innocence to the cops FFS. I hate this prick, he’s such a moron. I figured the city would eventually enforce code, but they never did. It took every week for 3 months bitching to the city about him before someone finally went over and told him he can’t do these things. Ya know what captain moron told the city code enforcer? “I don’t live in your city, I live in unincorporated ______.” He then proceeded to leave his trash out and cars parked in the lawn for another 2 months while the city went “thru the process” of issuing fines. Imagine living somewhere for 20 frickin years and not even knowing what city you live in and pay taxes to. What an idiot!

    You should see this idiot’s house. I could have painted it better blindfolded with my feet. He used a damn car sprayer to paint it and didn’t tape off anything. There’s overspray on the shutters, foundation, downspouts, aluminum siding above the painted area, on the overhang above the door, eaves, soffits, even the gutters. Not like an inch of overspray, over a foot in most areas. It’s awful, worst paint job I’ve ever seen. When he was done he actually got on Facebook and bragged about it with pictures. What an idiot!

    He has a boat parked in his backyard for the past 15 years that he told me was worth $90,000 that he bought for $2000. It doesn’t run, it’s all weather beaten, it’s worthless. He puts a new tarp on it every year. It gets wind whipped and disintegrates tarp plastic all over my yard. I pick up tarp pieces every time I’m in my yard. Fackin hell.

    This idiot put a fence up (with a post on MY property) like 17 years ago. One post rotted and fell down. He accused me of knocking it down and called the cops on me!

    His yard in general is awful, unkempt with shit all over. His property is lowering home values for all of us.

    If some people just died right now I’d celebrate.

    /rant. Thanks for letting me vent. lol.

  7. The only thing worse than an HOA is a South Florida condo HOA. I lived briefly in 3 HOA communities and never will again. I’ve long joked that a group of Karens is called an HOA. I’ve since found out an online community of Karens is called NextDoor.

  8. Requested permission from HOA in Queen Creek, Az., for permission to remove two 12 X 15 front lawn patches and replace with gravel to match homes on both sides. HOA rejected because request did not include plat map, i.e. location of streets, underground utilities, property lines. Rejected second time because request did not include location of pool, A/C unit, trees in back yard. Moved. Now house sitting in Portland area with no rules, a frickin disaster. Across the street a guy is pissed because he was forced to fix sidewalks lifted by fir tree roots. To get even with those who complained, he refuses to clean up the mess the tree removers left a year ago. No lawn, boulders in disarray, weeds overgrowing. There was a chance HOA could have been reasoned with. This neighbor? NFW. Not sure which is worse.


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