Mall Shooter Hero- He Wasn’t “Dicken” Around – IOTW Report

Mall Shooter Hero- He Wasn’t “Dicken” Around

20 Comments on Mall Shooter Hero- He Wasn’t “Dicken” Around

  1. Prepared and aware…OODA Loop in action right there. Amazing young man.

    Now…why haven’t we seen the FULL EXPOSE’ on the DEAD perpetrator? If he was seeing a “therapist” this will be yet another Pop-Psyche debacle. Time to hold therapists and psychologists partly responsible for creating these screwed-up-in-the-head kids.

  2. Unfortunately, where it concerns common sense, the Left is all about Common Core, CRT, BLM, antifa, fire the police. . .

    Their feelings tell them a good guy with a live-saving gun is a right-wing terrorist.

  3. I read a thing this week: “The 2A isn’t about whether congress controls our gun rights. It’s about the constitution preventing the government from infringing upon them.” (essentially like that)

  4. In 15 seconds the bad guy killed 3, wounded 2, and managed to get himself killed. Imagine the potential body count if our young defensive shooter we not there. It could have been huge. In that 15 seconds our guy had to access and locate the threat, determine if he’s pulling his weapon. Believe me that’s a monumental decision. Then he needs to engage, watch his back stop, making sure he’s not poking holes in innocent peeps. A lot going on. Fortunately the bad guy had positioned himself with his back to the wall. A 9 mil at 40 yards? Most likely a G19. Not that big of deal, until your adrenaline is running so hard you have tunnel vision.
    What do the brain dead Libs have to say? So far the common theme seems to be he’s a vigilante and should be charged. Stooopid Freaken people. I bet that kid save a minimum of 10 lives and probably closer to 25.

    I hope he’s not eventually sorry he released his identity. I don’t think I would have.

  5. Brad, did you see the link I posted yesterday re: most of the population has considerably less confidence in the police to handle an active shooter than they do a private armed citizen?

    There are valid reasons to support this claim. Training is probably a wash, although there is a huge segment of concealed carriers that can shoot the pants off your typical cop. Your armed civilian is going to be laser-focused on eliminating the threat whereas your typical cop is going to be paralyzed with worries about liability, getting back up (per their policy), and not risking his own hide.

  6. Rich
    I did. I also completely agree with what you’ve said. There are FBI statistics that attest to the fact that CCWs are actually much more efficient at ending the threat. However there’s a lot of people with carry permits that the only time their gun comes out of their holster is to blow the lint out of the barrel. I’d estimate about 30% train. But that 30% is an important part of the defense against this sort of thing. I’ve always thought they should have a more structured CCW process. Tiered. If you show X proficiency and training then you get more leeway where you carry and maybe some immunity or protection from bull shit prosecution.
    I know cops that can shoot lights out too. Maybe they need to be managed differently. One of them I know rides a desk all day. That doesn’t seem right.

  7. PS

    I’m a little concerned this event is going to draw the “Cowboys” out. Wanna be gunslingers hanging out at malls and such just waiting for a chance to be a hero. That has the potential for back firing big time on the gun community

  8. Doing the right thing, as in now.
    The biggest problem the left has with this is it destroys their narrative.
    This was a huge backfire if the deep state spun this guy up and set him loose?
    Poor families that have lost loved ones in this.

  9. @brad

    Cowboys and gunslingers…….
    hanging out in “gun free” zones…….
    Hmmm…….giving psychos something to think about……
    “Gun free” zones might not be “gun free.”


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