Mallard Fillmore Gets Deplorable – IOTW Report

Mallard Fillmore Gets Deplorable

I haven’t been interested in newspaper comics in a long time, but I have a new favorite after happening upon Mallard Fillmore’s work while sitting in a hospital waiting room the last couple of days.





11 Comments on Mallard Fillmore Gets Deplorable

  1. What could be better than a 10 year old boy and his dog which is why I especially like Red and Rover by Brian Bassett. Also Dilbert, reprints of Calvin and Hobbes and Pearls Before Swine because of all the terrible puns and wacky assorted animal characters. But none of these can even compete nowadays with the original Popeye by E C Segar, Pogo, Little Abner, Krazy Kat and the best of all and still funny as hell The Far Side by Gary Larson.

  2. @Sorry – actually the service was pretty fast. My brother has Crohn’s and with it comes kidney stones. Had to rush him two hours away the weekend before last so the kidney doctor could put a stint in his right kidney. Then it was back again Wednesday last week for a pre-op check. Monday this week a new kidney doctor put some kind of ultra sound in the organ and broke the stones up and even pulled some out. Yesterday was the last trip down to pick him up and bring him home, followed by a quick run to the emergency room wne we got back to town because he was in so much pain he though his lung had collapsed – it hadn’t the doctor here figured it was a fragment come lose and moving around causing pain.

    So Its been some long days in waiting rooms and driving. But he’s good tonight so the worse is behind him now.

    He works for the railroad, so he’s got good insurance. No Obamacare crap, thank God.

  3. been following Mallard for over 20 years … Tinsley is very close to Schultz, Larson, Adams, very much in the line of Breathed, although politically, more correct

    P.S. No one is close to Watterson

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