Mama Farook Being Investigated For Foreknowledge of the Attack – IOTW Report

Mama Farook Being Investigated For Foreknowledge of the Attack

‘It’s something that we’re looking at very, very closely’: FBI investigates San Bernardino gunman’s mother to see if she knew of their terror plans

FBI is investigating San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook's mother Rafia

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Sunday that the FBI is looking to Rafia Farook (top), who lived in the same home in Redlands, California, as her son, Syed Farook (bottom left) and his wife, Tashfeen Malik (bottom right), to determine if she knew about Wednesday’s attack in advance. Lynch’s comments about the gunman’s mother came on the same day his father, also named Syed Farook, 67, told the Italian newspaper La Stampa that his 28-year-old son was a ‘momma’s boy’ who had become ‘too shy, conservative and fixated against Israel’.

A friend of shooting victim Nicholas Thalasinos said that Farook told Thalasinos that ‘Islam will rule the world’
The father also cleared up confusion regarding the family name Syed Farook, with public records seemingly stating that he had called two of his sons after himself.

Mr Farook blamed officials in Chicago and said that his sons were always named Rizwan and Raheel Farook respectively and not Syed.

Syed Farook said he will not be able to find peace after his son’s attack, and added, ‘my life is over here’.


14 Comments on Mama Farook Being Investigated For Foreknowledge of the Attack

  1. obola already asked Mama Jihad to swear on her Koran and she swears she didn’t know, so there’s absolutely nothing here to concern anyone.

  2. This can not be possible because odinga said we still dont know what happened, that its workplace violence and it was caused by global warming.

    Isnt this article the kind of bullying and insulting talk that Loretta Lyncher was referring to when she warned us about insulting moslimes and throwing us in jail ?

    How did this disgusting moslime slut mother know in advance that workplace violence was coming down the pike and that her partial birth aborted fetus slut daughter would join in and help Fuckcook blast 35 people and pipe bomb them ?

    Didnt Don Tromp say that the whore pussbag family members of all moslime terrorist filth should be killed because they know and help these animals carry out exceutions ?

  3. “What difference, after all this time, does it make?”

    EVERY stinking, worthless, fucking, ragheaded, goat-fucking piece of shit moslem in America has acquiesced to this murder and mayhem.

    Eradication is the only way to be safe.

    (deportation and ostracism, for instance)

  4. Give the family 2 weeks to pack their bags, then a one way ticket back to Pakistan. No mercy. Git gone. We don’t want you here.

    Heard Carol Swain on Judge Pirro’s show say muslim students in Tennessee have a room where they can go and pray, but Christians are not allowed to pray. This stinks to high heaven. It needs to stop too.

  5. Taqiya and Kitman are two precepts of Islam that essentially gives any follower a free pass to lie, deceive, eat forbidden foods, drink alcohol and consort with we infidels, in order to get inside our societies, to infiltrate and lure us into a false sense of safety.

    Think termites and fire ants being brought into your house as pets.

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