Man Accused of Trying to Pay Undercover Cop with Burger During Police Sting – IOTW Report

Man Accused of Trying to Pay Undercover Cop with Burger During Police Sting

Breitbart: A man was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly tried to pay an undercover officer he thought was a prostitute with a hamburger in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Dominic Calderon, 36, rode his bicycle up to an officer with the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) who was posing as a prostitute while standing near Central and San Pablo SE, according to WGN 9.

A criminal complaint said once Calderon and the officer agreed on terms and price, he asked for her phone number and claimed he would not have enough money to pay her until Friday. read more

11 Comments on Man Accused of Trying to Pay Undercover Cop with Burger During Police Sting

  1. He doesn’t look anything like J Wellington Wimpy to me. Anonymous, below my comment, my wife’s name was Patty and that’s an old joke. And there was another girl on her church softball team who was named Patty as well who earned the nickname Hamburger Patty which was shortened to burger. She’s been married to a real good friend of mine for nearly 40 years with 5 kids.

  2. Exchanging food for sex is not prostitution……EVERY WOMAN IN AMERICA has at one time or another put out the poon after being wined and dined. It happens ALL DAY EVERY DAY everywhere.

  3. Dave the Crackhead : Man, you got any spare change?

    Ashtray : Sorry, bro. I’m all out.

    Dave the Crackhead : [holds up paper bag] Man, I got these cheeseburgers, man.

    Ashtray : I don’t want any cheeseburgers.

    Dave the Crackhead : Please, man! I’ll suck yo dick!

    Ashtray : [disgusted] Ugh! Get outta here, man!


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