Man Arrested For “Bias Intimidation” – IOTW Report

Man Arrested For “Bias Intimidation”

I’m not sure what that means, but I think it’s a way to get people arrested for using racial epithets. I wonder if anyone has ever been arrested for using bias intimidation against white people.

I highly doubt it.

By the way, the woke crowd isn’t buying it. They think the police rescued him from harm.

But the police have confirmed that the Mathews moron (and he is a moron, you’ll see why in the video) spent a night in jail.


A white man who was captured in a viral video harassing a Black neighbor and shouting racial slurs was arrested on Monday, authorities said.

Edward Cagney Mathews, 45, of Mount Laurel, New Jersey, was charged with harassment and bias intimidation after a woman accused him of “continually harassing” her, the police department said in a statement on Monday morning. He was taken into custody on Monday evening after a large crowd of protesters gathered outside his home.

Footage showed Mathews repeatedly calling his neighbor the N-word and a “monkey” outside a home in Mount Laurel, about 20 miles east of Philadelphia. Mathews can be heard stating his address several times before walking away after a police officer responded to the scene.

“Come f—— see me,” Mathews said, according to the video.

NBC News does not know what happened before or after the video.

Mathews’ challenge prompted dozens of protesters to gather outside his townhouse on Monday afternoon as police officers guarded his door, NBC Philadelphia reported.

The large crowd included some who reported Mathews to authorities in the past — which Mount Laurel Police Chief Stephen Riedener confirmed, but said those charges were “either dismissed or no probable cause was ever found,” according to the news station.

Mathews told NBC Philadelphia that he admitted using racial slurs, but denied being a racist.

“I’ve never been a racist,” he said. “I’ve made mistakes, said racial slurs out of anger or being drunk. I may not be able to relate to communities of color, but I am not a racist.”

In an interview with the news station, Southern Burlington County NAACP spokesperson Marcus Sibley said: “People are out here because they’re angry. They felt they could say the most horrible thing you could say to a Black person and there would be no repercussions.”

Protesters could be seen cheering and throwing objects at officers and Mathews as he was escorted out of his home and into a police car about 7:30 p.m. Monday.

However, the police department said it “does not tolerate hate or bias intimidation in any form.”


“This type of behavior is totally unacceptable,” Mount Laurel police wrote in a Facebook post. “We can assure our residents that incidents like this are thoroughly investigated and that those who commit such offenses will be held accountable for their actions.”

Original video

24 Comments on Man Arrested For “Bias Intimidation”

  1. “…the police department said it “does not tolerate hate or bias intimidation in any form.”

    The police department should uphold the LAW. I don’t care what they do or do not TOLERATE.

  2. If a state, or nation, has laws it will not enforce for political reasons, it mocks both the law and politics, to say nothing of the cultural order.
    -Cal Thomas

  3. If using racial epithets is now a crime, then how come no black people are getting arrested. No one uses racial epithets more than black people, no one.

    This white guy is kind of an idiot though. If the only thing you can think of to deal with a conflict is to scream in someone’s face, then neither strategy nor tactics is your strong suit.

  4. he is a jerk, granted
    his defense should include a selection of rap music, for its content and what is accepted
    (he should accompany that with printed lyrics, so it can be known what they say)

  5. Bias Laws, interesting. So they can arrest you for having an opinion. That doesn’t sound like something the founders would approve of.
    The white dude says he’s a drug dealer. There’s not one person worth two shits in all that video.
    Personally what I find most disturbing is if you offend someone they can generate an angry mob outside your home through social media. There outta be a law prohibiting that. And another reason to own multiple AR platforms.

  6. “I’ve never been a racist,” he said.

    News flash, if you use racial slurs, even when angry or drunk, you are a racist.

    The cops did that pig a favor by arresting him, that mob would have burned his house down with him and his family inside. The charge of “bias intimidation” was just an excuse to remove him from harm.

    It would have been nice to get the backstory, what happened before the video started, and the history between the two, but neither came off well.

  7. “…the police department said it “does not tolerate hate or bias intimidation in any form.”
    Because they like to believe they have a copyright on that sort of behavior.

  8. @Rich Taylor:

    “I’ve never been a racist,” he said.

    News flash, if you use racial slurs, even when angry or drunk, you are a racist.

    @Smarter than a Circus Dog makes the point. Rich, you are using your own definition of “racist” here.

    Using racial slurs to anger someone whose race is not one you believe to be somehow inferior isn’t racist. It’s ugly, aggressive, uncivilized behavior, and worthy of harsh criticism, but it isn’t racist behavior.

    Unless of course you subscribe to the evidently “progressive” idea that referring to race in any way that doesn’t meet constantly changing cultural criteria determined by those progressives is de facto racist. And that’s no definition at all.

  9. @Uncle Al
    “Using racial slurs to anger someone whose race is not one you believe to be somehow inferior isn’t racist.”

    You are making some pretty broad assumptions here, namely that he is using the slurs to “anger someone” and that he does NOT believe the recipient’s race is “inferior”, nothing in his statements or actions demonstrated either. On its face, and yes, we do not know what’s in his heart, it appears to me that he is using the racial slur as antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, which is the textbook definition of racism;

    He even used the racial slurs in front of the cop as identification of his opponent, which also negates the argument that he was trying to anger the black guy because he wasn’t talking to him specifically but the cop.

    Using the “N” word is describing someone who is black, calling them monkeys and telling them to go back to Africa, yes, this is racist behavior.

  10. “Is Racism illegal?”

    In our country? not yet, but in Canada and England, you bet.

    This is all part of a larger assault on civil liberties, a chipping away or concessions by a thousand cuts on the fundamental freedoms that we hold, so far. Free speech protections, guns, the freedom of movement and to be secure in our own homes, privacy in our assembling with others, and in our donations to causes we support, all these rights are at risk by the authoritarians who want people mollified and controlled.

  11. I assume you know where I was going with this. A Bias Law is Un Constitutional. And therefore not enforceable. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t approve. Especially when an admitted “Drug Dealer” is spewing this obnoxious shit. It’s a conundrum.

  12. “Bias intimidation” is actually a thing in New Jersey;

    “A person is guilty of a bias intimidation crime under New Jersey law if he commits, attempts to commit, conspires with another to commit, or threatens the immediate commission of an offense with the purpose to intimidate an individual or group of individuals because of race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, or ethnicity.”

    I had never heard of this before, and yes, it is chilling.

    New Jersey was the only state I found where you could be charged with this sort of crime.

    A free speech issue like this used to be right in the ACLU’s wheel house but because he was on the black guy’s front porch and in his face, I think he is screwed.


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