Man Armed with Guns, Ammo, and Explosives Found Dead at Colorado Amusement Park — Wrote ‘I am Not a Killer’ on the Wall – IOTW Report

Man Armed with Guns, Ammo, and Explosives Found Dead at Colorado Amusement Park — Wrote ‘I am Not a Killer’ on the Wall

Did he also write who sent him there?


A man armed with an AR-style rifle, a handgun, body armor, and real and fake explosives was found dead at a Colorado amusement park on Saturday.

The 20-year-old man, whose name has not yet been released, was found dead in a bathroom at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park by maintenance staff.

Written on the bathroom wall of the Rocky Mountain park were the messages “I am not a killer” and “I just wanted to get into the caves.” There were other things written as well, but the sheriff could not make out what it said.

Police have said that his death appeared to be a suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

“There’s much more we do not know right now than we do know,” Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario said during a press conference. more

12 Comments on Man Armed with Guns, Ammo, and Explosives Found Dead at Colorado Amusement Park — Wrote ‘I am Not a Killer’ on the Wall

  1. Hmmm… No mention of race…

    Planted ‘ghost guns’ to prove how they twist the mind of everyone they come in contact with. Combine that with the super evil AR-15 ‘assault weapon’ and only mayem will ensue.

    Fortunately this nutcase chose to shoot himself first before killing others. Hopefully the rest will follow his lead.

  2. “There were other things written as well, but the sheriff could not make out what it said.”
    The names of his Three-Letter-Agency groomers

  3. What does anyone want to bet we are going to hear: :…on our radar” soon. If history is anything to go by, it will be coming from the very Agency that had recruited and then were hell bent on entrapping him in order to advance The Party’s agenda.

  4. ” More than likely the FBI knows the answer to this question.”

    I’m thinking the FBI planned on being the first agency to arrive upon his death. It’s cumbersome when the plan goes sideways and those local cops get there first.


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