Man Arrested at Elizabeth Warren Event for Allegedly Assaulting Trump Supporter – IOTW Report

Man Arrested at Elizabeth Warren Event for Allegedly Assaulting Trump Supporter

Breitbart News editor-at-large John Nolte has documented 639 acts of violence against Trump supporters, many of which corporate media has downplayed, ignored entirely, or approved and encouraged.


As the group was walking toward the exit, the man became enraged, tried to take a group members’ cellphone and “came after me and tried to take a swing at me,” said Harrison.

“Liberals cannot keep their hands to themselves at these events,” she stated. “They see a Make America Great Again hat and they become unglued.”

This is far from the first instance in which Trump supporters have been subjected to threats and violence.


6 Comments on Man Arrested at Elizabeth Warren Event for Allegedly Assaulting Trump Supporter

  1. Leftist violence will become more extreme and common as we get closer to the elections next year.

    Don’t get caught helplessly up in it by surprise, be vigilant and be ready for it before it gets you hurt.

  2. “The more things change, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME!”!
    When I was an undergrad Cal had a thug that lead a a gang of hoods that would attack anyone saying Americans were good! Mario Savio and his “Goons of The Gate”! the Press (’64 speak for MSM) said Savio’s vicious, bloody attacks were “Peaceful. passive resistance.”!?!@?!

    If the violence is against folk loving America IT IS NOT VIOLENCE!

    War is peace. freedom is slavery…. !


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