Man Awaiting Sentencing For Entering the U.S. Capitol During the Jan. 6 Riot Commits Suicide – IOTW Report

Man Awaiting Sentencing For Entering the U.S. Capitol During the Jan. 6 Riot Commits Suicide

This is insane. What our government is doing is the stuff of Communist nations. Wait… are we?

Penn Live-

 Lycoming County man awaiting sentencing for illegally entering the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has died.

The death Wednesday of Mark R. Aungst, 47, of South Williamsport, was ruled a suicide, Coroner Charles E. Kiessling Jr. said.

Aungst pleaded guilty June 27 in District of Columbia federal court to a charge of demonstrating or parading in a restricted building. His sentencing was scheduled for Sept. 27 before Judge Reggie B. Walton. He could have been sentenced up to six months in prison and fined $5,000.

Aungst and co-defendant Tammy A. Bronsburg, who pleaded guilty to the same charge, traveled by bus to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021 for President Trump’s “stop the steal” rally. They then joined others and marched to the Capitol.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Furst said the prosecution had evidence showing Aungst and Bronsburg entering the Capitol through the Senate fire door by the parliamentarian’s office approximately 2:45 p.m. and leaving 30 seconds later. Twenty minutes later they re-entered the building through the Senate wing door, and took photos and videos on their cell phones as they walked through the Capitol and into Senate Room 145.

Bronsburg later posted a video she took in the Capitol on Facebook and when Aungst returned to the bus he showed others his pictures, said Furst.

Neither assaulted a police officer nor stole or damaged government property, the prosecutor had said at a previous court proceeding.

Aungst, a gas field well service technician, is survived by his mother, a daughter and three siblings.


13 Comments on Man Awaiting Sentencing For Entering the U.S. Capitol During the Jan. 6 Riot Commits Suicide

  1. Living under democrat rule in the past I have developed a fair amount of tolerance for poor governance and injustice but this past year has pushed me to the brink of any civil or “legal” recourse. Thinking about how they have manipulated the rule of law, shit all over due process, and denied the very basic civil liberties of a speedy trial, the right to confront your accuser, and the right to competent counsel, they exposed their own lawlessness and deserve equal measure.

    Not only do I want these people out of power, I want them to feel the full measure of retribution they earned.

    What’s that old saying, “Some people are alive only because it’s against the law to kill them”?

  2. This is insane. What our government is doing is the stuff of Communist nations. Wait… are we?

    Yup. The Communists seized power in 2020 and we’e watched them ignor laws like totalitarian thugs ever since. They obiously don’t care about their awful, disasterous standings in the polls, so what makes anyone think that a mid-term election by us pissants is going to mean anything???

    Hang on cuz it’s gonna get ugly!

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  4. Mr. Aungst has been suicided, as were other J6 hostages held captive by the narcissist chronic complusive liar Joe Biden as a tactic to “get-even” with presTrump. No US coroner or medical examiner can be trusted or believed in these situations since most have been corrupted and compromised. An example is NYC whose medical examiner and vital records department was bribed-instructed by then-governor and sek predator Andrew Cuomo and his accomplice then-LT gov Kathy Hochul to doctor and adulterate ALL deaths and death certificates as being ‘covid19’, regardless of what the actual causes of death were.


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