Man Beats 9 Year Old Boy, Who Is Not Expected To Survive, For Taking a Piece of Birthday Cake – IOTW Report

Man Beats 9 Year Old Boy, Who Is Not Expected To Survive, For Taking a Piece of Birthday Cake

This is one of the reasons why I’m against reparations. It’s not like we’d be handing money over to people who’d be developing a new space station near mars.

“What are you in for, Robert?”

“I murdered a boy over cake.”




30 Comments on Man Beats 9 Year Old Boy, Who Is Not Expected To Survive, For Taking a Piece of Birthday Cake

  1. And yet the effn dirty demmies keep getting the death penalty eliminated in state after state because it is inhumane. I want one of them to explain to me why this sack of shit should not be put to death, whether or not the boy dies. What exactly is he going to contribute to society?

    And the mother that refused to let the paramedics see her child should be sitting on his lap when they through the switch.

  2. “What are you in for, Robert?”

    “I murdered a boy over cake.”

    “Yo, me too. Let’s be cellies.”

    “Long as you ain’t no Cowboy’s fan. I got high standards.”

  3. The type of guy some prison guard “accidentally” lets drop that he’s a child molester. Prison justice has a way of seeing that his case is appealed to a “higher” court.

  4. Reparations? Look at all the money that’s been transferred from the white taxpayers to the black tax-spenders, since LBJ’s “the great society” ; it is far in excess of 20 acres and a mule, factored for inflation. Anyone alive today who was a freed-slave in 1865 is entitled to reparations from anyone alive today who owned slaves in 1865; otherwise STFU.

  5. Every time a Black Person:
    Eats food that is made safe by governmental oversight,
    enjoys clean constant voltage to his outlets,
    enjoys clean drinking water,
    goes through a green light safely,
    has diseases aggressively addressed in the community around him,
    has his own sewage removed from his home and disposed of safely
    Is guaranteed an actual gallon of gas when buying a gallon of gas
    removes a safety packaging membrane insuring the lack of contamination in his purchase
    Goes to a Doctor and receives competent care;
    They are receiving advantages that their compatriots in Africa do without. T
    There are your reparations. If you want more pry it out of somebody else because if they give reparations I am moving to some other country and taking my expertise and tax generating work ethic with me.

    Blacks came here in chains. now they have equal status, equal rights, and the vote. They have every advantage known to man.
    They have set asides, affirmative action, they dominate some sports and they have their own TV Channel, Congressional Caucus, and their own Black achievement month.

    So shut up already. I grow tired of Negro Victim Vaudeville

    Just haul this POS out and wrap him in 50 pounds of chain and see how well he swims.

  6. I asked a guy who had spent some time in Lorton (back in the 60s) and he said that “Everybody’s got their own problems.”

    This guy is a Demonrat poster-boy (?) for their narrative on crime involving negroes.

  7. Welcome to New York City Family Court, people. I am a petition clerk, and while I don’t file abuse and neglect petitions (they are filed via the New York City Administration for Children’s Services in-house using electronic interface), I have to screen and cross-reference every petition I do file for procedural and other reasons.

    This is what happens when people get in bed with Uncle Sam and extract a promise that he will provide endlessly for their families. People just keep pumping out baby after baby, without any thought as to whether or not they are temperamentally suited for parenthood, can provide for the child, or can keep the child out of harm’s way. Thus does reproduction become just another function of human life, like breathing or shitting. These children are doomed before they are even conceived because of the exceptionally low quality of the adults.

    Of course, only a racist would be so bold as to think this.

  8. I died a little after reading that story too. Some of those wounds and bruises were in stages of healing. That mom needs to be in a jail cell right next to this lousy bastard.

    Lord, please have mercy on that little boy’s soul and body and Thy will be done.

  9. The job itself is absolutely fascinating and extremely well suited to my strengths of literacy and attention to detail. I love it; I feel I was both born and called to work in Family Court.

    The things that get me down are working for an agency in a state that is governed by an incompetent shitweasel like Andrew Cuomo, and the attitude of my female co-workers, who are mostly a bunch of PMS-controlled bitches who are petty, jealous, distrustful lofo thugs who come to work like it’s some great cosmic rumble. Cuomo may be the world’s biggest jerk, but at least I don’t have to work alongside him.

  10. I don’t know what the law is in Maryland, but this child’s mother would be in plenty of trouble all on her own if this had gone down in New York City.

    So she didn’t try to stop the abuse, and she failed to get timely medical attention for the injured child? That’s two counts of neglect right there. And who know what else had been going on in this sick household prior? It’s also likely that ALL the children in the household would have been removed from her care by the New York City Administration for Children’s Services, as the other children could have been deemed “derivatively neglected” per Section 10 of the New York State Family Court Act of 1965.

    The most notorious child abuse case in New York City Family Court is probably that of Nixzmary Brown, a seven-year-old Brooklyn girl who was beaten to death by her stepfather, Cesar Rodriguez, in 2006. In the Criminal Court matters, Nixzmary’s mother, Nixaliz Santiago, actually received more jail time than her husband. Why? Because the court deemed the mother’s failure to attempt to stop the beating, and then to heed Nixzmary’s cries of pain as she died a slow, agonizing death, was a more grievous crime than actually killing the child.

    Nixaliz Santiago will be 71 years old when she is eligible for parole in 2049.

  11. I didn’t notice it either, until it was too late! I was going for a “friendly, welcoming vibe” when I chose my screen persona. But I have to admit that GFY is a pretty good description of my mood since 1/20/2009.

    I also didn’t immediately realize it was a shout-out to Big Fur Hat, a native Yonkersonian.

  12. To Greetings; ma’am, it must definitely take a special soul such as yourself to work in such a place. I’m certain there’s overflowing drama all around you!

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