Man convicted of eating bacon in front of three Muslims – IOTW Report

Man convicted of eating bacon in front of three Muslims

Jihad Watch-

What would have happened if he had been drinking a beer? Five years in prison? Amputation of the hand? In Sharia Sweden, you never know. Yes, he was boorish and rude, and racist as well, if the accounts of the three women are to be believed, but this sentence is appallingly draconian.


HT/ Salve

20 Comments on Man convicted of eating bacon in front of three Muslims

  1. This just makes me want to have bacon and coffee (so named after the kaffirs who first introduced it to the muzloids) for breakfast. And maybe a big ol’ croissant to remember Charles Martel. Screw these people. The muzloids rape Swedish women and it is ignored; but eat bacon in front of them and oh, my stars, a high crime has been committed.t

  2. So, it isn’t enough that they filthy fukkin ragheads don’t eat bacon, but the bacon-eaters can’t eat bacon, either?

    The intolerance of the “Religion of Peace.” What a crock of unadulterated goat-shit.

    Don’t like it? Don’t look. Isn’t that what we’re told when we object to rape, murder, perversion, immorality, hate, and the Fascists of the Soros-DNC-RNC coalition?

    But the Swedes are supposed to sit quietly while their women are raped, their goats have their asses licked, and their children are raped and murdered?

    I realize it’s Sweden, but the principle is the same.
    I am disgusted with the pusillanimity of the “West.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Too bad I can’t share with the readers here. I bought huge hunk of fresh Berkshire pork belly yesterday, from a farm up the road. The shoulder is amazing too, no solution packaged with it, locally processed. I can’t wait to make some time to smoke it!

  4. Whenever I happen to see a mooselimb near the meat counter as I peruse the selections, I loudly proclaim my love of pork products. I channel Vincent from Pulp Fiction, “Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood”. Should I be worried about being sent to prison for this?

  5. Pay no attention to what’s behind the curtain! Oh. No curtain? Do not believe your own lying eyes, then.

    Strip away the flapping pigeons, glitter canons, and strobe lights:

    In Sweden, a man offended, not one, but three women! If he were smart, well if he were even of above average intelligence by Lake Woebegone standards, he’d already have secured sanctuary in some banana republic’s embassy.

  6. To be honest, if he followed them around on the train and spouted nasty things while eating bacon he deserves to get his knuckles rapped with a fine but it seems a tad excessive. I wonder what would have happened if he had sat down and started eating a bacon sandwich and they asked/told him to sit somewhere else and he refused. That would have been interesting.

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