Man Cuts Wife Into Pieces For Ruining the Wonderful Trip He Had Planned – IOTW Report

Man Cuts Wife Into Pieces For Ruining the Wonderful Trip He Had Planned


IB Times –

A German man bludgeoned his Filipino wife to death and cut her into eight pieces because she was preventing him from going on a sex binge in Thailand.

Computer expert Horst Koenig, 53, smashed his spouse Grace, 37, to death with a two-kilogramme hammer while she slept, before cutting her body into pieces with an electric saw and storing them in a warehouse.

He then emptied her bank account and flew to Thailand for five weeks of partying and sex with prostitutes, before returning to Germany after his visa expired where he was promptly arrested.

During his trial it emerged Koenig wanted Grace out the way so he could go on an “exciting” getaway for a booze-fueled holiday where he could revel in sex workers.


When are women going to learn that when the husband says he wants to leave the country to get drunk and bang hookers you don’t cock block the man??


(If you read the rest of the story it says that, in Germany, men can be released from prison, by law, at 74 as some sort of “c’mon, he’s old” furlough.)

((Oh, and btw, this guy is 53???? What the hell happened to the guy?))

ht/ Big Owe

18 Comments on Man Cuts Wife Into Pieces For Ruining the Wonderful Trip He Had Planned

  1. Beginning to think I live in some alternate reality- Stuff out everyday about “Pizzagate and the raping, torturing and dismembering of children by the elites is enough to alter your brain–and then stuff like this. Dear God.

  2. Went to Thailand saw lots of dick.
    Came home and went to trial for murder and going to see lots more dick.
    To him, it’s a win, win, win.
    The second win is no more wife.
    I give him six months before he hangs himself.

  3. BFH:

    When are women going to learn that when the husband says he wants to leave the country to get drunk and bang hookers you don’t cock block the man??

    Yeah, pretty stupid. She should have let him go, cleaned out the bank acct, got a room somewhere else and subletted their house to a bunch of neo-Nazi skinheads so hubby would get a nice welcome home reception when he showed up again.

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